2022研究 & 创新 Seed Grant program resulted in 25 new grants with approximately $1.2M being awarded to CU Boulder faculty across disciplines.


π的名字 π部门  类别 项目标题
Nausica Arnoult Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology 大的挑战

Does microgravity impair the proper repair of DNA double strand breaks?

隆基崔 Mechanical 工程 工程 & 应用科学

Gapless thermo-photovoltaics: A new paradigm for renewable power generation using waste heat

萨曼莎Fladd 人类学/Museum of Natural History

社会科学 & Professional Schools

Digital ontologies and indigenous materialities



社会科学 & Professional Schools

Mobility and environmental health in wildfire response communities


Electrical, Computer and Energy 工程

工程 & 应用科学

Quantifying membrane fouling dynamics using stimulated Raman scattering and fiber-coupled optical coherence tomography

安德拉斯Gyenis Electrical, Computer and Energy 工程

工程 & 应用科学

Novel error-protected superconducting circuit for next-generation quantum processors

christof赫克曼 计算机科学

大的挑战 Our Space. 博彩平台推荐的未来.

Keeping water on the radar: Using embedded machine learning for sensing of surface water levels in the era of climate change

Allison Hilger

Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences

工程 & 应用科学

Mechanisms for aerosol generation from speech production for airborne disease transmission


化学 and Biological 工程

工程 & 应用科学

Rewiring electrolysis for sustainable plastics

Yumi Janairo Roth; Emmanuel David

Art and Art History; Women and Gender Studies

艺术 & 人文学科

Ang Walong Pinoy (The Filipino Eight)

大卫·乔纳斯 化学

Basic Physical Sciences

Are there quantum resonances across interfaces between photosynthetic proteins?


化学 & Biological 工程


Inhibition of beta-amyloid peptide toxicity by mixed phospholipid vesicles


INSTAAR/Atmospheric and Oceanic Studies

地质 & Environmental Sciences

Cloudy chlorophyll: Emulating satellite retrieval in an Earth system model

克里斯托弗·一个. 洛瑞

Integrative Physiology


Broad-spectrum Cannabidiol (CBD) as a prevention/treatment of neuroinflammation in a rat model of comorbid autism and epilepsy


Educational Foundations, Policy, and Practice, School of Education

社会科学 & Professional Schools

Working towards LGBTQ equality in secondary schools: Learning from teachers who support student activism

贝丝Osnes 戏剧和舞蹈 艺术 & 人文学科

Birds' eye view: Facilitating youth-authored creative solutions for climate change


STEM Education; School of Education

社会科学 & Professional Schools

Elementary STEM collaborative


地质 Sciences/ INSTAAR

大的挑战 Our Space. 博彩平台推荐的未来.

Tracing the fate of reactive Si from mobilization to sequestration across terrestrial analog environments: implications for interpreting the weathering history of Mars



地质 & Environmental Sciences

Big data for small nocturnal primates: Development and field testing a new monitoring system to deliver rich real time data to record small primate spatial and social movement


INSTAAR/Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

地质 & Environmental Sciences

Utilizing diversity to optimize ecosystem service delivery in orchards: Initial characterization to inform a long-term research platform

Tiera Tanksley

Educational Foundations, Policy and Practice; School of Education

工程 & 应用科学

工程 for social justice: How decolonial and anti-racist engineering programs impact the career development and aspirations of humanitarian engineering students


Critical Media Practices

艺术 & 人文学科

基思•乌尔姆 物理 Basic Physical Sciences

FACET: A new detector to search for dark matter particles


Mechanical 工程

工程 & 应用科学

Extremely high power density motor and generators enabled by flow boiling advanced cooling


心理学 & 神经科学

工程 & 应用科学

Symbol grounding in humans and machines