EVEN studentsCourse descriptions from the University catalog are available online. Using Buff Portal, you cab review schedules of courses for the current semester. Faculty Course Questionnaires (FCQs) can also be checked online.

环境工程计划管理少量课程,以补充博彩平台推荐参与部门的课程设置. 以下是定期提供的EVEN课程列表,并附有更详细描述的链接.

EVEN 1000 (1 credit) Introduction to Environmental Engineering

​​​Instructor: Joseph Ryan
Covers air quality, aquatic ecology, chemical processing, energy, site remediation, and water resources and treatment. 包括阅读和写作环境工程的历史,主要的环境问题, and professional ethics.
Offered: Every fall (syllabus)

EVEN 2004 Introduction to Global Engineering

Instructor: Carlo Salvinelli, Evan Thomas
Introduces students to the emerging field of Global Engineering, 关切获得水等基本服务的机会分配不均和不公正, sanitation, energy, food, transportation and shelter. The course places an emphasis on identifying the drivers, determinants and solutions favoring equitable access. 主题包括技术开发和验证,数据收集和影响评估. Recommended restriction: for engineering students.


Instructor: Mark Hernandez

Energy management is a crucial societal need, 热力学被用来分析几乎每一个科学和工程分支的能量流.  In an environmental context, 本课程介绍热力学的技术语言及其在建筑物和基础设施热管理中的应用, fluid motion, our hydrologic cycle, as well as the understanding of weather and climate.

EVEN 3550 (3 credits) Sustainability Principles for Engineers

Instructor: Mark Hernandez
这是一门面向EVEN专业二年级学生的可持续发展基础课程. 本课程向学生介绍环境工程领域的可持续性原则. During this class, 学生将把这些原理应用于工程问题,以评估环境, economic, and social implications of engineering and design decisions. 主题包括可持续性的定义,主要的工程可持续性挑战.g., water, energy, climate, and materials), pollution generation and prevention, and sustainability assessment tools (e.g., life cycle assessment).
Offered: Every Fall (syllabus)

EVEN 4404 (3 credits) Water Chemistry

Instructor: Azadeh Bolhari 
在课堂和实验室中介绍无机水化合物和污染物的化学基础. 讲座主题包括酸碱反应的热力学和动力学, carbonate chemistry, air-water exchange, precipitation, dissolution, complexation, oxidation-reduction, and sorption. Same as CVEN 4404. 要求先修CHEN 1211、CHEM 1113和CVEN 3414课程(最低成绩均为C-). 仅限土木(CVEN)或环境(EVEN)工程专业.
Offered: Every fall.

EVEN 4414 (1 credit) Water Chemistry Laboratory

Instructor: Azadeh Bolhari 
加强无机水性化合物和污染物的化学基础从EVEN 4404, Water Chemistry, in laboratory experiments and reports. Topics include acids and bases, carbonate chemistry (alkalinity), and other water chemistry characteristics (hardness, dissolved oxygen); precipitation, complexation, and oxidation-reduction reactions; and laboratory techniques and reporting. Same as CVEN 4414. 先决条件:要求先决课程CHEN 1211或CHEM 1113和CHEM 1133(所有最低成绩为C-). Requires corequisite course of EVEN 4404. 仅限土木(CVEN)或环境(EVEN)工程专业.
Offered: Every fall.

EVEN 4424 (3 credits) Environmental Organic Chemistry

Instructor: Joseph Ryan
检查影响自然和处理过的水中有机污染物的命运和运输的基本物理和化学转变. Emphasizes quantitative approach to solubility, vapor pressure, air-water exchange, sorption, hydrolysis and redox reactions, and photodegradation. Same as CVEN 4424. 必备条件:要求CHEN 1211的必修课程(最低C-).
Offered: Every spring.

EVEN 4434 (4 credits) Environmental Engineering Design

Instructors: William Becker, Nicholas Clements, Azadeh Bolhari 
检查市政用水和废水处理设施的设计, hazardous industrial waste, contaminated environmental sites, and sustainable sanitation in developing countries. 强调影响设计的经济、社会和场地特定标准. Same as CVEN 4434. 必修课程CVEN 3414(最低C-).
Offered: Every spring (syllabus).

More information on the Capstone Senior Design Course

EVEN 4464 (3 credits) Environmental Engineering Processes

Instructor: Julie Korak
开发和利用环境过程模型的分析解决方案,可用于a)用于水处理过程的反应器设计, 废水和危险废物和b)自然系统的过程分析, such as streams and groundwater flow. 模型有助于跟踪工程和自然系统中的污染物. Same as CVEN 4464. 先决条件:要求CVEN 3313和CVEN 3414的先决课程(所有最低成绩为C-).
Offered: Every fall

EVEN 4484(3学分)环境微生物学入门

​​Instructor: Cresten Mansfeldt
调查与现代土木与环境工程相关的微生物学课题. 提供了解工程和自然系统中微生物过程和生态学所需的基础知识,并回顾强调分子生物学和经典土木工程之间接口的应用. Same as CVEN 4484. 必备条件:要求CHEN 1211的必修课程(最低C-).
Offered: Every spring.

EVEN 4494 (3 credits) Contaminant Fate and Transport

​​Instructor: Azadeh Bolhari
The course requires students to design and conduct experiments, analyze, interpret data, and write technical engineering reports. 这门以实验为基础的课程让学生了解控制环境中污染物行为的过程. The subject includes aspects of intermedia contaminant transport, surface and groundwater hydrology, air pollution modeling, degradation processes and remediation, human exposure pathways and risk analysis. 

EVEN 4830(3学分)专题:环境影响评估

​​Instructor: Paola Guerra

EVEN 4830 (3 credits) Special Topics: Applied Global Engineering

​​Instructor: Carlo Salvinelli, Evan Thomas

EVEN 4840 (1-3) Independent Study

个别导师安排独立研究项目,包括一篇毕业论文. Select an instructor from the Faculty List 在你感兴趣的领域工作,通过电子邮件或电话与他们联系. Please refer to the EVEN BS Guidelines 了解要遵循的政策,并与EVEN本科顾问联系

EVEN 4969(3学分)发展中国家的水和卫生

Instructor: Mathew Bentley
研究针对发展中国家的有效水和卫生处理过程和工程解决方案背后的设计和基础. 在工业化程度较低的国家,清洁饮水和卫生的办法往往需要替代为工业化社会制定的办法,需要的办法不仅仅是技术细节. Explores issues and solutions developed to tackle these problems. 包括3个动手实验为基础的项目,以增加课堂上的工作.
Equivalent - Duplicate Degree Credit Not Granted: CVEN 4969
先决条件:要求CVEN 3414和CVEN 3424的先决条件课程(所有最低成绩为D-). Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Juniors or Seniors).
Offered: Every spring

EVEN 4980 / 4990 (3/3) Senior Thesis 1 / 2

提供2学期的环境工程独立研究, 包括第二学期末的书面论文和口头答辩. Select an instructor from the Faculty List working in your area of interest, 并通过电子邮件或电话与他们联系,讨论潜在的研究课题. Please refer to the EVEN BS Guidelines 了解要遵循的政策,并与EVEN本科顾问联系