NSF Fluid Dynamics Software Institute:   2024 Software Prototyping Summer Program

The National Science Foundation funded the conceptualization of a future institute focused on Fluid Dynamics Software Infrastructure (FDSI). The final step of that effort is a Software Prototyping Summer School where 6 students will be funded ($10k stipend plus $3.5k living expenses covering on-campus housing (if needed) to perform 10 weeks of research during the summer 2024 (May 27th through August 2nd though some flexibility is possible) in two areas (described in next two paragraphs) at University of Colorado Boulder. 

The first group will work on a suite of CFD simulation workflows. We emphasize plural workflows because the goal is to bring together graduate  student researchers who are doing Ph.D. research with different workflows (2 or 3 if possible) with undergraduate students learning about research. This group will focus on RANS simulations of one or possibly two  aerodynamic configurations such as the NASA Common Research Model as this allows us to leverage an already active community and/or wind turbine blade section model pulled from the IEA-15 Megawatt reference wind turbine  research (which ties to strong local activity with the NREL).

The second group will focus on a second major challenge identified by the community– data analysis and comparison with experiments. This group will  focus on the full spectrum of RANS, Scale Resolving Simulations and a wide variety of experiments. As scale resolving simulations and experiments are long endeavors, this group will focus on identifying the challenges of analyzing this data, comparing it among its sources, and identifying and developing new data analysis software.

To apply for this position please provide via email to jansenke@highland-co.com a 2 page Resume/CV and a one page document that addresses two questions:
1) Please describe your experience with CFD software workflows (first group) or analysis of data from fluid dynamics experiments or simulations (second group). 
2) Please describe what you hope to gain from participating in this effort.
If interested in both opportunities you may provide separate 1 page documents for each topic. 


AMReC faculty members actively look for talented undergraduate and graduate students, as well as postdoctoral fellows to join their research teams. Interested individuals are encouraged to contact the AMReC faculty members directly.