
学术地位是衡量你在博彩平台推荐学业成功的标准,基于你的累积GPA. Undergraduate students are required to maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.000 or better to be in good academic standing. 

More information on academic standing can be found here. 学术地位 | Office of the Registrar | University of 科罗拉多州 博尔德

To review the university’s academic standing policy in full, see the CU 博尔德 Undergraduate Catalog.


Grades reported by instructors are final. 成绩的改变只有在文书错误的情况下才会被考虑,并且必须得到老师的批准. 教师,而不是系主任或院长,有权改变学生的成绩. Here is the Grade-Change Workflow for instructors to change grades.


下面是的链接 职系替换政策 effective starting Fall 2019 at CU-博尔德. 鼓励有兴趣利用这一政策的学生与他们的学术顾问讨论,以确保他们的毕业不会被推迟.



学生和教授需要填写利兹不完整协议表,以书面形式说明学生将如何完成课程作业,并保留以备将来参考. 这是…的链接 Leeds 不完整的 Agreement Form.


确保“I”变成字母分数是老师和学生的责任. Here is the Grade-Change Workflow for instructors to change grades.



  1. A maximum of 6 hours of non-business electives. The rest of the courses applied to the degree requirements--MAPS, Arts & Sciences Core/General Education, BCOR, 重点区域, 商业选修课和大部分非商业选修课都需要字母成绩, 除了某些课程被指定为及格/不及格评分, 如BADM1250, BADM2010, 留学课程, INBU4910, MGMT4910, REAL4810, ACCT6000, 等.
  2. 超出学位要求的课程,无论是商业还是非商业课程. 例如, 如果学生有兴趣参加商业或非商业课程,除了他们的学位要求与学习的目的, maintaining full-time status or earning more credits for the CPA eligibility, they have the option to choose pass/fail grading.

Students must choose pass/fail grading before the deadline. 请参阅 校历 on the Registrar’s website for the deadlines.

Withdraw from the Semester

During the Fall or Spring semester, 博彩平台推荐的学生可以在期末考试开始前通过提交 网上提款表格.

Please note: If you are taking BCOR MODS or BASE MODS, 请查看特别会议日历,并与您的学术顾问会面.

In the summer, each summer session is considered a separate term. 因此, 学生可以在课程的最后一天之前通过提交网上退课表来退课. 学生可以通过搜索“博尔德夏季课程”,然后点击“日历”来找到截止日期.”



利兹大学的学生如果在上一学期经历了情有可原的情况,但没有退学,可以与他们的学术顾问讨论,以确定是否退学 retroactive withdrawal petition is an appropriate option for them.



If you are waitlisted for a course, there is no guarantee that you will become officially enrolled in that course, even if you are # 1 on the wait list. Please follow the instructions for “Drop if Enrolled “on the Registrar’s website to enroll in a backup course while waitlisted for the closed course

Please meet with your academic advisor to evaluate your waitlist situation. Your academic advisor could provide additional information, such as room capacity or a potential new section, to help you make the wise decision. Please do not email your professor asking to become enrolled.

For further details, please visit the CU 博尔德 候补名单 for 关闭d Classes page.

重要的是在学期开始的时候参加注册课程和候补课程,直到你的候补名单问题得到解决. 在第一堂课上向你的候补课程的教授介绍你自己,并表达你想被录取的愿望,如果有座位的话,这可能会有所帮助. 注册办公室在学期第一天之后的第三个星期五取消候补名单.


以下是利兹学院学术单位的官方政策, 除非学术单位向院长提交替代程序以获得批准. When a student believes that a grade has been improperly assigned, 老师和学生之间的讨论并没有解决问题, then the student may pursue the following steps:

  1. 学生可以选择向导师所在单位的系主任提出正式的书面申诉. The appeal must detail the basis for the appeal, including relevant written documentation, specify the remedy desired by the student, 并且必须在修习课程的学期结束后30天内提交. 教师将有机会以书面形式回应学生的申诉.
  2. 主席将(一起或单独)与学生和教授该课程的教师会面. 如果主席不能找到一个学生和老师都能接受的解决方案,那么
  3. 主席应任命一个特设职等申诉委员会,该委员会将审查争端. 该委员会应由至少三名公正的教员组成,他们在有关课程的主题方面有能力. Members of this committee need not be from the Chair’s division. 主席将向委员会提供学生的申诉和教员的书面答复.
  4. 30天内, the Committee will submit a report and recommendation to the Chair, and Chair will recommend to the instructor either 1) that the originally assigned grade stands; or 2) that a revised final grade be assigned.
  5. 如导师不愿接受主席的建议而建议更改成绩, the Chair will forward the written materials associated with the appeal, together with the recommendation of the Chair, to the Dean (or a designee), who will make the final decision on the student’s grade appeal.