Statement on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusive Excellence

亚洲语言和文明系提供阿拉伯语学位课程, Chinese, Hindi-Urdu, Japanese, and Korean; by its very existence, it brings global diversity to the curriculum and the Boulder campus of CU. 博彩平台推荐系专注于广阔的非西方世界,这使博彩平台推荐在中大有机会分享世界观点和文学传统, thought, 以及前现代和现代南亚文明发展起来的艺术表现形式, East Asia, North Africa, and the Middle East. Though all people are equal, 博彩平台推荐仍然意识到,种族主义和不平等的系统性问题已经造成并将继续加剧博彩平台推荐社区在公平和准入方面的差距. 只有当不同的声音从外围带到核心,博彩平台推荐才能变得真正优秀,这意味着在CU彼此之间的社区.

亚洲语言与文明学院拥有来自世界各地的学者和教学专业人员,他们在一个相互尊重的地方工作,基于博彩平台推荐所有人的共同理解, regardless of origin, ethnic heritage, or race, have trained extensively in our areas of expertise. 博彩平台推荐不会把自己分为两种,一种是本土的告密者,另一种是文化的外部观察者. Instead, we recognize ourselves within a multiplicity of language experiences, including native bilingualism and multilingualism, secondary and tertiary language learning, and the space in between inhabited by immigrants, children of immigrants, and diaspora. Our mission is to foster mutual understanding, communication, and deepened insight across the boundaries of language, nation, and culture.   

Language teaching is a core part of our mission. New languages help us embody new ways of being in and seeing the world. Studying them is an exercise in radical empathy, as the language learner submits to a new grammar, a new social context, and a new vocabulary with different values and affordances. 博彩平台推荐系教授的所有语言都是北美不太常用的语言, and they all require the learning of distinct writing systems. 这些语言在北美学术界没有受到太多的关注,因为潜在的假设是它们不那么紧迫或威望. 博彩平台推荐系致力于纠正语言教育中以欧洲为中心的系统性偏见. CU students have responded enthusiastically to our offerings, 对这些丰富的语言和随之而来的文化表现出浓厚的兴趣. 有些人从博彩平台推荐的课程中获得了教育部颁发的重要语言奖学金,并开始了使用新语言的职业生涯. In serving these students, and the greater mission of diversity at CU, 博彩平台推荐认为这是博彩平台推荐学术和教学职责的一部分,以抵制学院内外的结构性东方主义.

Furthermore, 博彩平台推荐要直接面对博彩app推荐亚洲文化同质性的主流误解. 认识到目前的世界地图是殖民历史的结果, division, and power struggle, 博彩平台推荐中的许多人在研究和教学中强调亚洲本身的多样性. 博彩平台推荐不仅教授儒教和伊斯兰教等主流知识传统的经典, 但博彩平台推荐也注意放大少数群体的声音——这些声音在美国不仅很少听到, but also marginalized within Asia. 博彩平台推荐考虑历史阶级和种姓划分如何影响当代社会作为持久的分裂, and we pay special attention to the traditionally elided roles of women, 探索他们作为文学创作者和诗歌和散文主题的贡献. In courses on religious literature, we incorporate the subversive, the popular, and the minority as counterpoints to mainstream traditions. 博彩平台推荐教授优雅的诗歌和宏伟的史诗,它们构成了这些文化的经典, 还有流行的表演艺术和地区惯例赋予这些作品巨大的深度和吸引力. In each of these areas, we present hallowed, 与当代美国根本不同的千年文化传统, 既提供了一面镜子来反思博彩平台推荐现在的时刻,也提供了一个探索种族的机会, gender, and cultural diversities across civilizations.

ALC欢迎在科罗拉多大学创造更多包容性的全校倡议, 这些努力呼应了博彩平台推荐部门多年来所做的工作. Our department has long served as a home for diverse students, including those from international and multilingual backgrounds, as well as students of various ethnic and national origins. 博彩平台推荐努力提供一个温馨的环境,让博彩平台推荐的学生感到有能力表达他们的经验和见解. Often, this involves the mediation of various positionalities among students, who bring to the classroom their own identities, cultural intimacies, and assumptions with regard to questions of international politics, religion, social roles, and expressions of gender and sexuality. 博彩平台推荐通过鼓励学生既注意自己的个人优势,又积极向同龄人开放,从而培养包容性卓越. For example, in our Cultures and Languages Across the Curriculum (CLAC) courses, 哪些是用英语翻译授课的特别课程,让自选的学生小组学习原始语言材料, 博彩平台推荐鼓励目标语言的母语人士和语言学习者一起工作. 只有在合作中,学生才能达到获得跨语言和跨文化能力的目标. In all of our courses, 博彩平台推荐相信,当他们在相互尊重和相互学习的基础上走到一起时,博彩平台推荐为班级的所有选民提供了最好的服务.

未来,博彩平台推荐将继续为所有空缺职位招聘不同类型的申请人. 博彩平台推荐渴望找到教职员工,他们与博彩平台推荐分享对多样性的承诺,并挑战博彩平台推荐扩大对包容性的看法, with the goal of making ALC an even more welcoming home for all. We join the Association for Asian Studies, a professional organization to which many of our faculty members belong, 认识到亚洲研究领域在涉及非白人时存在包容性和多样性的根本问题, non-Asian scholars. 因为博彩平台推荐的专业组织在整个领域都面临着系统性的种族主义, we, too, 必须审视博彩平台推荐在培养那些传统上不受亚洲研究欢迎的群体的未来人才方面所能发挥的作用.

In conclusion, ALC的教职员工将继续致力于提供一个展示文学中所代表的全球多样性的窗口, cultural, 和亚洲的知识传统,同时体现了民族的多样性, national, religious, and gender diversity of our faculty.