By Published: June 23, 2021

Tiny American flag in ground at cemetery

Stock photo via Pexels

从2018年到2020年,美国人的预期寿命下降了近两年, COVID-19大流行加剧了十多年前令人不安的趋势, according to new findings published June 23 in The British Medical Journal.

The study, co-authored by researchers at CU Boulder, Virginia Commonwealth University and the Urban Institute, found the drop was even greater among racial minorities, slipping 3.黑人为25岁,西班牙裔为近4岁,而西班牙裔为1岁.36 years among whites.

The overall U.S. decline was 8.是同期其他16个高收入国家平均降幅的5倍.

“多年来,在预期寿命方面,博彩平台推荐与其他国家相比一直处于令人担忧的轨道上, but the declines were only marginal,” said co-author Ryan Masters, 博彩平台推荐行为科学研究所的社会学助理教授. “Along comes COVID and the effect on the U.S. population has been just atrocious.”

 Life expectancy by the numbers

U.S. overall
79.75 for women; 74.06 for men in 2020
81.04 for women; 76.20 for men in 2010

U.S. non-Hispanic Black populations
75.34 for women; 67.73 for men in 2020
77.70 for women; 71.51 for men in 2010

U.S. Hispanic populations
81.38 for women; 74.50 for men in 2020
84.26 for women; 78.84 for men in 2010

Peer countries (16)
81.56 in 2020
80.54 in 2010

Estimates for Asian, 由于缺乏数据,无法计算太平洋岛民和美洲原住民的人口.

Masters said an “obesogenic environment” in which obesity, heart disease and other cardiometabolic disorders are rampant, was already leading the U.S. to lose ground with respect to health and survival. 他说,获得医疗保健的不公平和系统性的种族主义也发挥了作用.

When the pandemic hit, 这些现有的因素——再加上作者所描述的混乱和脱节的反应——共同造成了一场生命损失的完美风暴.

“Our Constitution delegates public health authority to states, so we had 50 response plans,” said co-author Dr. 弗吉尼亚州立大学社会与健康中心名誉主任史蒂文·伍尔夫说. “COVID-19暴露了许多系统性问题,这些问题一直在加剧美国人健康状况的长期下降.”

Shorter lives for Americans

《博彩app推荐》的这项研究紧随美国国家科学院的一份全面报告之后, published in May, 记录了早在COVID之前就开始的一种趋势的可疑根源.

在美国人的预期寿命增加了几年之后, 这些数字在2010年持平,并略有下降(约为0.5%).1 years each year) from 2014 to 2017, 这是自1918年流感大流行以来持续时间最长的下降.

Masters, one of 12 scholars tapped to contribute to the report, said those declines resulted from two key trends: an increase in mortality among middle-aged and younger adults from drug- and alcohol-related deaths and suicide; and, more recently, 老年人死于心脏病和糖尿病等疾病的人数增加.

“在长寿方面,美国人过去比其他国家的人有优势. 这种优势现在已经消失,差距正在扩大。.

To explore how the global pandemic influenced these trends, 研究人员使用了国家卫生统计中心的死亡数据来计算年龄, sex- and race-specific life expectancy in 2020.

当他们将其与2010年至2018年美国和16个富裕国家的预期寿命进行比较时, the results were stunning.

“这是自二战以来博彩平台推荐从未见过的,”伍尔夫说.S. hasn’t seen such a drop in life expectancy since 1943.


After years of enjoying higher life expectancy than white men, Hispanic men saw that advantage wiped out in 2020.

Life expectancy in the U.S. 2020年黑人男性人口为68人,是1998年以来的最低水平.

“If this doesn’t bring shock and alarm to how poor the U.S. 在人口健康方面所做的事情,我不知道什么会起作用。.

Ryan Masters

Ryan Masters

Younger people hit hard

除了少数族裔的高死亡率外,美国的人口比例也在上升.S. 2020年的年轻人死亡人数也异常高, 由于65岁以下的死亡,男性人口的预期寿命减少了大部分.

“这完全推翻了疫情只影响老年人的说法,” he said.

While some other peer countries, including Italy and Spain, saw losses in life expectancy, none were near the magnitude the U.S. saw and the bulk of deaths were among older people. 包括新西兰和挪威在内的一些国家的预期寿命在2020年有所上升.

马斯特斯指出,这项研究并没有只关注由COVID直接引起的死亡, a number that can be difficult to derive, but rather all deaths that occurred in 2020.

2020年,美国的全因死亡率上升了23%. 迄今为止,已有60多万人死于COVID,是世界上死亡人数最多的国家.

马斯特斯说,困扰美国的一些社会不平等和健康脆弱性.S. for years likely left the U.S. more vulnerable to COVID.

For instance, people with heart disease, 肥胖或糖尿病患者更有可能住院或死于COVID. 低收入的一线工人更有可能感染.



“Unfortunately, COVID is not just a respiratory disease, 但也是一种血管疾病,对长期健康有潜在影响,” he said.

他希望这项研究能鼓励政策制定者着眼大局, 不仅是在2020年可以做些不同的事情来拯救生命, but what must be changed long-term.

“This isn’t just a COVID problem,” he said. “早在这次大流行之前,就有更广泛的社会和经济政策使美国处于不利地位. The time to address them is long overdue.”