Published: Nov. 17, 2020 By

新冠肺炎大流行改变了人们日常生活的许多方面. 一个显著而明显的变化是美国城市车辆交通的减少. Last spring the air became cleaner, 曾经繁忙的街道变得安静而空旷,这是最近才难以想象的. 一些城市暂时取消了汽车在城市街道的通行,优先考虑行人和自行车. 

What could this mean for the future of our cities and our transportation systems? CU Boulder Today spoke with Kevin J. Krizek, professor of transport in the programs of Environmental Design and Environmental Studies, to get some answers. He and his co-author, David King, assistant professor at Arizona State University, explain this unique window of opportunity in a paper published this week in Town Planning Review, one of the world’s oldest urban planning journals. (Responses edited for clarity). 

Kevin Krizek

Kevin Krizek. (Credit: Kevin Krizek) 

First, let’s go back in time. When did streets become all about cars? Because at some point this wasn’t the case in America. 

In the late 1920s, 博彩平台推荐看到从街道转向商业和社交中心,这在很大程度上要追溯到汽车的出现. 当汽车出现的时候,出现了极度的混乱. Cars were mixing with horses and horse dung and bicycles. 

作为回应,工程师和工程规划师诞生了一个新的职业. And their purpose was really to execute the movement of vehicles. And it was around that time, in the first half of the 20th century, 当人们对街道主要用途的期望发生转变时. 


今天,美国城市街道上的行人和其他类型的死亡人数.S. is on the rise. It's been staggering. It's not getting better; it's getting worse. And many of these deaths are attributed to vehicular movement. And the vehicular movement, as we know, is traced to many other kinds of environmental and social problems, such as carbon emissions, air pollution and urban sprawl. So, 尽管汽车有着惊人的荣耀,而且汽车已被普遍接受为美国文化的主要组成部分, 有一种运动正在开始获得牵引力,那就是寻找替代方案.


Almost overnight the purpose of streets changed. In March 2020, what you saw were streets that were completely empty. I think this was to a certain extent an “aha moment” for many people, including the public and elected officials. They were thinking, “Wow, 街道上有很多空间,这是一种宝贵的资源,博彩平台推荐可以更好地利用它来解决当前困扰社会的一些问题.” 

Seeing how streets can change their character, quickly, 帮助改变公众和民选官员对他们在社会中的角色的看法. A window of political acceptability was shifted, what some political economists call an Overton Window, which can be a first step in seeding major policy reform. 在这种情况下,博彩平台推荐看到街道的过去和主要特征并不是一成不变的. 

What has the pandemic helped us realize? 

除了展示街道——博彩平台推荐交通系统的主力和博彩平台推荐出行的方式——是可以改变的有价值的公共资产, COVID helped open our eyes to other important transport issues.  

第二个认识是,城市可以迅速实施战略和措施来改变街道的性质. 全世界有上百个城市都对街道的使用方式进行了改造. 巴黎的一些主要走廊被严格限制为机动车通行,这些空间正在变成自行车道. 这是博彩平台推荐二三十年来从未见过的:市政行动导致这些类型行为的能力. 

在博尔德,他们扩大了西珍珠街的步行区,这很好. 市议会意识到这个城市的税基与餐饮业紧密相连, 他们需要尽其所能促进户外餐饮的发展. But that wasn't a big milestone in terms of the overall network. 

I don't want to diminish the power of the Pearl Street expansion, but we need to think more broadly than that. While we're closing down this street over here, and making some changes to this street over here, 博彩平台推荐真正需要做的是把一整套机会串联起来,让人们在城市里通过汽车以外的方式舒适地出行.

在大西部地区,如何优先考虑行人和自行车, where so much of the infrastructure has been built around cars? 

It's a great question. 解决这个问题的方法是非常清楚博彩平台推荐提出了什么,博彩平台推荐没有提出什么. We are not necessarily proposing a complete banishment of cars. Cars definitely have their time and place, 特别是对于超过四五英里的通勤旅行. 假设博彩平台推荐能够克服COVID-19的挑战,博彩平台推荐可以提供另一种选择. 为了让这项创新得以实施,博彩平台推荐需要检查博彩平台推荐的街道. 博彩平台推荐需要把街道看作是支持创新的通道. 


现在博彩平台推荐被鼓励去追求更安全的公共健康选择——开车旅行,博彩平台推荐知道这有很多问题, like fossil fuel emissions, smog, ozone, traffic congestion, accidents, and so on. The bike is one thing that remedies a lot of those problems. 

在春季和夏季,对北美很多地区来说,这是一个更有吸引力的自行车季节. 博彩平台推荐还看到电动自行车出现了惊人的爆炸式增长,它可以让博彩平台推荐的旅行更长、更轻松. 事实仍然是,博彩平台推荐坐进汽车的一半以上的时间里,博彩平台推荐行驶的距离都不到4英里. There are an average of 15,000 jobs in the top 50 U.S. cities that are within a 20-minute bike ride using any street. If we use only streets that are attractive to ride a bicycle on, what are called low-stress streets, you can get to less than a third of those jobs. 如果博彩平台推荐能改变博彩平台推荐的街道的性质,使它们更适合小型车辆-使用自行车作为北极星, 如果你愿意,博彩平台推荐仍然可以在没有全尺寸汽车的情况下拥有同样数量的可达性.