Published: Sept. 9, 2024 By

Ian Malkin, Transversales VerdunPhoto: Ian Malkin, Transversales Verdun

Harumi Rhodes has mixed feelings about observing The Milestone. As second violinist of the world-renowned, Grammy Award-winning Takács Quartet她明白半个世纪前该组织成立的意义. 

她承认:“这是一个具有纪念意义的时刻,博彩平台推荐怀着敬畏的心情接近它。. “I feel humbled. Yet, in another sense, for us it’s business as usual.” Much of that business takes place right here in Boulder.

加入罗兹谈话的是第一小提琴家埃德·杜辛伯雷,他也是她的丈夫. 这位英国出生的音乐家回顾了乐队充满失落的非凡音乐之旅, personnel changes and—most of all—brilliant music making.

“我发现自己想起了博彩平台推荐所有的前四重奏成员——如果没有他们,博彩平台推荐今天不会庆祝这个里程碑,” says Dusinberre, 回忆起最初的四重奏是由布达佩斯音乐学院的学生组成的, Hungary, in 1975. 

“They were so young, living behind the Iron Curtain, wondering how they could fulfill their musical aspirations worldwide,” he adds.

努力工作和在几项欧洲比赛中赢得声望很高的奖项使他在1982年进行了美国巡演.S.1985年至1986年,他们决定将家人永久迁移到美国. Soon after, 他们接受了邀请,成为博彩平台推荐的常驻四重奏,从那以后他们就一直在这里居住, though not without challenges. Gábor Takács-Nagy于1993年退出,现在作为指挥家和教师在世界范围内享有成功的事业. 第二年,中提琴演奏家Gábor奥尔迈因患癌症而退休,于1995年去世. The late Roger Tapping succeeded him, leaving to spend time with his family in 2005; in turn, he was succeeded by Geraldine Walther. Upon the retirement of founding second violinist Károly Schranz, Harumi Rhodes joined the quartet in 2018. 

作为1993年的第一个新成员,杜辛贝雷回忆起作为一个非匈牙利人的挑战. “It was a big adjustment for me, but I appreciated the welcoming, 球员们的冒险精神和他们集体声音的温暖,” he says. “当Harumi和Richard加入时,过程很相似”,他指的是现任中提琴手Richard O 'Neill,他在2020年接替了Walther. 2021年格莱美最佳古典器乐独奏奖得主, 奥尼尔是该奖项历史上第二位获得中提琴表演奖的人. 

今天,大提琴家András fejsamir仍然是Takács四重奏的唯一创始成员.

For Rhodes, becoming a member of the Takács was thrilling. “The College of Music is a musical home for us. We feel grateful to be embedded in this university and the community.”

虽然Takács保持着一个国际巡演的时间表,占据了他们大约一半的时间, the foursome prioritizes time with their students, working in partnership with Meta Weiss, the College of Music’s chamber music coordinator.

一些经常参加售罄的Takács四重奏音乐会的观众可能会惊讶地发现,该乐队的校园联系已经超出了格鲁辛音乐厅. As Dusinberre notes, 他们长达数十年的驻留时间主要集中在与音乐学院学生的日常实践工作上.

他强调:“博彩平台推荐与学校的关系是把博彩平台推荐凝聚在一起的粘合剂。. “博彩平台推荐的研究生弦乐四重奏项目激励博彩平台推荐思考后代.” This two-year program consists of intense work with a promising ensemble, 准备和指导年轻艺术家进入四重奏演奏的苛刻世界.

“The newest quartet we’re working with is the Michigan-based Koa Quartet,” adds Rhodes. “博彩平台推荐会倾听他们的兴趣,帮助他们形成独特的音乐声音.”

音乐学院的室内乐课程有着悠久的成功记录. The Brisbane, Australia-based Orava Quartet is a good example: Via email, 第一小提琴手丹尼尔·科瓦利克(Daniel Kowalik)分享说,2011年,他的团队在悉尼的一个音乐节上遇到了Takács乐队, the Orava had been together for five years. They soon came to CU Boulder to study with the Takács.

“We always worked with one member at a time,” wrote Kowalik. “They rotated, so we had time with each member. 我问了很多问题,从总体幸福感到如何应对表演压力.”

今天,奥拉瓦四重奏享有活跃的日程安排,并已与德意志留声机签约. 他们在博尔德的经历“真的帮助博彩平台推荐开始了自己的事业,”科瓦利克指出. “博彩平台推荐的指导是无价的,对学习这门手艺是绝对必要的. Takács的指导永远改变了我对音乐创作的看法和方法.”

For many students at the College of Music, 作为表演者的职业生涯并不是他们唯一的目标,Takács四重奏乐队对此很敏感, too. “It’s only partly about making music,” Rhodes emphasizes. “当博彩平台推荐与学生交谈时,博彩平台推荐关注的大部分是如何在音乐中生活.” 

Dusinberre treasures those conversations. “我要求学生们在一件作品中找出个人最喜欢的时刻,博彩平台推荐探索不同的方法来突出这些时刻. 希望他们能了解彼此的音乐品味,以及如何运用各自的想法形成统一的诠释.” 

When touring and recording sessions wind down, these beloved artists find a special joy in coming home to Boulder, visiting with faculty colleagues, and sharing their knowledge and experience with students. As Rhodes says, 弦乐四重奏坚韧而美丽的作品发生在舞台下的排练室里. 博彩平台推荐感到非常感激,几十年后,这个过程在博彩平台推荐博彩平台推荐的家中继续进行.”

The Takács Quartet’s 50th 周年纪念季由芭芭拉和克里斯·克里斯托弗森慷慨赞助.