
的 教师领导能力 program has been designed to be affordable for working teachers. Tuition per credit hour is differentiated based on 科罗拉多州 resident/non-resident status. 

2024 - 25学年费率

<选项卡le border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" class="noborder 选项卡le-condensed"> 成本 州内学费  州外学费/国际  每一个信用  $505 $539 证书课程(共10学分)  $5,050 $5,390 硕士课程(30学分) $15,150 $16,170


学费和杂费只是参加博彩平台推荐的总成本的一部分. 的 全部出勤费用 for an academic year could include expenses such as housing and food, 书籍及用品, 以及那些不被学校计费的项目, 比如个人开销, 交通和医疗保险. 查看 全部出勤费用.


帐单可于 浅黄色门户 (CUBill&请在注册课程后的月中向授权付款人付款. 下个月5号付款. 邮戳和远期支票不予承兑. 日期如有更改,恕不另行通知.

看到 财务处网站 重要日期.


Deadlines for tuition and fees payment are listed in the dates and deadlines section of your program’s academic calendar. 你可以通过支票、汇票或信用卡在线支付课程费用. 你将被评估一个不可退还的2.信用卡支付85%服务费. 透过以下途径进行网上付款 浅黄色门户 通过学费 & 费卡. 点击余额汇总,然后查看/支付账单,这将引导您到 铜法案&支付这是该校安全的在线计费和支付系统.

电邮:继续教育网址: cebursar@highland-co.com 或者打电话给博彩平台推荐 303-492-2212 如果你有任何问题. 


You may be eligible to pay your tuition and fees in installments over the course of the current semester. 学生或其家人可选择付款计划 授权费用. 您选择参加的每个学期都需要重新注册.

A payment plan is a good option for students who can allow debits from one bank account or credit card to occur on a consistent basis. 支付ments must be made via automatic deduction (ACH) from a regular United States checking or savings account or credit/debit card. This option is not a good fit if payments will be made from multiple sources because automatic deductions/debits must come from only one bank account or credit card.

博彩平台推荐接受美国运通,万事达卡,Visa和DISCOVER. 自动扣除在每月的5号处理. 如果5号是周末,付款将在下一个工作日处理. 日期及计划条款如有更改,恕不另行通知.


Students who drop or withdraw from a course or courses may be eligible for a tuition adjustment depending on their residency status, 当他们放弃或退出课程时, 以及他们注册的学分数量. If you are eligible for a tuition adjustment, you will only get a refund if you have paid tuition. 如果你没有支付学费,你所欠的金额将被调整(取消)。.

Students who are eligible for a tuition adjustment/refund will receive a percentage of the tuition of the class or classes from which they are dropping or withdrawing. For example: A 60% tuition adjustment means a 60% tuition refund and 40% tuition payment.

的 percentage of the tuition adjustment/refund is based on when you drop or withdraw from the class or classes. 具体的截止日期请参考您的课程日期和截止日期页面.

当收到部分学费调整(而不是全额退款)时, student fees are non-refundable unless you can prove through the petition process that you were never able to access any of the services provided by the student fees.