发表: 2021年5月24日

所有的总结.S. 与COVID-19大流行有关的入境限制

There are 14-day entry restrictions on individuals who have recently been present in 中国, 伊朗, 奥地利, 比利时, 捷克共和国, 丹麦, 爱沙尼亚, 芬兰, 法国, 德国, 希腊, 匈牙利, 冰岛, 意大利, 拉脱维亚, 列支敦斯登, 立陶宛, 卢森堡, 马耳他, 荷兰, 挪威, 波兰, 葡萄牙, 斯洛伐克, 斯洛文尼亚, 西班牙, 瑞典, 瑞士, 英国, 爱尔兰, 巴西, 南非, 和印度.

These restrictions will remain in effect until President Biden terminates them. 外国公民(非美国公民).S. 美国公民.S. 永久居民)-美国公民的直系亲属除外.S. citizens and permanent residents and a few other limited exceptions– who have been in these countries within the last 14 days will be denied entry into the United States. 

National Interest Exception/Waiver Available– 学生 on F-1 or J-1 Visas & 选择其他的

There is an exception/waiver process for foreign nationals whose entry would be in the “national interest.”


根据美国.S. 国务院,进入美国的学生.S. on F-1 or J-1 visas are eligible for national interest exceptions.

美国.S. Department of State’s guidance specifically indicates the following regarding students who wish to enter the U.S. F-1签证:

持有有效F-1签证的学生 中国、伊朗、巴西、南非和印度

持有有效F-1签证的学生来自 中国、伊朗、巴西、南非和印度 intending to begin or continue an academic program including Optional Practical Training (OPT) commencing 8月. 1岁或更晚 do not need to contact an 大使馆或领事馆 to seek an individual exception to travel. 他们可能会进入美国 no earlier than 30 days before the start of their academic program. 

  • For students starting a new degree program, this means that they can enter the U.S. on a valid F-1 visa up to 30 days prior to the start date indicated on the Form I-20 as long as the start date is 8月. 1.
  • 对于返回美国的学生.S. to continue a degree program, this means that they can enter the U.S. no earlier than July 24 which is 30 days before the start of classes for the Fall 2021 semester.
  • 对于返回美国的学生.S. 继续OPT,这意味着他们可以进入美国.S. 不得早于7月1日,即8月前30天. 1.

持有有效F-1签证的学生 the 申根区,英国和爱尔兰

学生 with valid F-1 visas comings from the 申根区,英国和爱尔兰 可以 have an academic program starting earlier than 8月. 1. They do not need to contact an 大使馆或领事馆 to seek an individual exception to travel. 他们可能会进入美国 no earlier than 30 days before the start date of their academic program

  • For students who are starting a new degree program, the start date is indicated on the Form I-20.
  • 对于返回美国的学生.S. to continue a degree program, to ensure you are allowed entry into the U.S.,博彩平台推荐建议您不要试图再次进入美国.S. 不能早于7月24日.
  • 对于返回美国的学生.S. 是否继续OPT,从美国的角度来看尚不清楚.S. Department of State guidance if you are able to enter prior to July 1.You 可以 want to wait until 后 that date to return to the U.S. 确保你能被允许进入.



学生 seeking to apply for new F-1 visas 应该在最近的美国移民局查询签证服务的状态.S. 大使馆或领事馆. They will be considered by the embassy/consulate for a national interest exception as part of the visa appointment process.

  • 学生 subject to the 14-day entry restriction due to their presence in 中国、伊朗、巴西、南非或印度 seeking to apply for F-1 visas 可以 qualify for the national interest exception/waiver only if their academic program or OPT begins 8月. 1岁或更晚.
  • 申请F-1签证的学生来自美国 申根区,英国和爱尔兰 应该在最近的美国移民局查询签证服务的状态.S. 大使馆或领事馆. They will be considered by the embassy/consulate for a national interest exception as part of the visa appointment process. 他们的学术课程可能在八月开始. 1.
  • 学生 with valid J-1 visas or are seeking to apply for a new J-1 visa should contact the U.S. embassy/consulate for instructions on how to apply for the national interest exception.


Exchange Visitors 目前在国家受14天入境限制

美国.S. Department of State recently released guidance clarifying that the exception/waiver process 适用于 to non-student Exchange Visitors applying for J-1 visas or intending to enter or renter the U.S. 属于下列类别之一: research scholar, visiting professor, short-term scholar, or specialist.  学者 who intend to apply for an Exchange Visitor (J-1) visa and/or enter (or return) to the U.S. as an Exchange Visitor 应该在最近的美国移民局查询签证服务的状态.S. 大使馆或领事馆 and inquire about how to apply for the national interest exception.

持有或申请H-1B签证的学者 & 目前在国家受14天入境限制

根据美国.S. Department of State’s recent guidance if individuals do not meet one of the articulated exceptions, 在下列情况下,他们可获个别例外:

  • “providing vital support for critical infrastructure sectors or directly linked supply chains” as detailed on this U.S. 政府网站;
  • continuing with research in an area with substantial public health benefit (e.g. research related to cancer, COVID-19, communicable diseases, etc.); or
  • 或者协助国家安全.

如果你相信这些例外之一适用于你, 在最近的美国领事馆检查签证服务的状态.S. 大使馆或领事馆 and inquire about how to apply for the national interest exception.


Please keep these entry restrictions in mind if you plan on departing the U.S. 和/或打算返回美国.S. Also, please bear in mind that travel restrictions are subject to change. A country that is not subject to a travel restriction today, 可以 be subject tomorrow.

Any physical presence in any of the countries listed above, 包括转机和转机, 可以 触发14天的入境限制.  美国.S. government has not released specific guidance regarding flight connections and layovers and the 14-day entry restrictions.


We understand that these are stressful times for the international community given the many uncertainties. 博彩平台推荐可以帮助您应对任何挑战. Campus resources include the Office of Victim Assistance (OVA), 303-492-8855, 哪家公司为学生提供全天候电话支持, faculty and staff; Counseling and Psychiatric Services (CAPS), 303-492-2277, 哪家公司为学生提供全天候电话支持; and the Faculty and Staff Assistance Program (FSAP), 303-492-3020, 哪个为教职员工提供支持. 

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