
  • 理学学士
  • Bachelor's-Accelerated Master's (BAM)



工程 物理 blends concepts from 工程, 物理, and math in an effort to bridge the gap between theoretical science and practical 工程. 工程 physicists focus on research and development, 设计, 和分析, often specializing in frontier areas of 工程 including quantum computing, 纳米技术, 量子传感器件, 超快的激光, 自适应光学, 太阳能电池, 磁存储技术, micro-mechanical系统, 分子电子学.

With an 工程 物理 degree, you’ll boost your knowledge of the physical environment while discovering how 物理 is applied to problem-solving in our rapidly changing high-tech world. In addition to being qualified for positions both in high-tech startup companies and established 工程 firms, graduates are also exceptionally well prepared for advanced graduate degrees, with about one-third pursuing higher studies in 物理, 工程, 应用科学.

CU Boulder’s Department of Physics offers award-winning programs, well-established and knowledgeable faculty, and an unmatched educational experience. The department is ranked among the top 10 物理 departments at public universities and among the top 20 universities overall for graduate-level 物理 programs by the National 研究 Council.

The department is also ranked as the best public institution in atomic, 分子, 以及光学物理, according to the 2023 edition of Best Graduate Schools published by U.S. 新闻 & 世界报道. Four CU Boulder professors have won the Nobel Prize for Physics, including Carl Wieman and Eric 康奈尔大学 in 2001 for the world’s first Bose-Einstein condensate, John Hall in 2005 for his contributions to the development of laser-based precision spectroscopy, and David Wineland in 2012 for ground-breaking experimental methods that enable measuring and manipulation of individual quantum systems.

工程 物理 undergraduates take a variety of core and elective laboratory courses that emphasize student-developed and -设计ed independent projects. 学生 are encouraged to form research collaborations with faculty as they pursue senior thesis projects, 还有很多其他的研究, 实习, and industry co-op experiences are available. 学生 also gain professional exposure through the student chapter of the 社会 of Physics 学生 on campus.

研究 is a fundamental part of our curriculum, and it provides an excellent opportunity for undergraduate students to gain hands-on experience in the field. Through the Undergraduate 研究的机会 Program (UROP) and the summer 研究 Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program on the CU Boulder campus, 工程 物理 students enjoy ample opportunity to participate in the fascinating, cutting-edge research that the department and its various research partners conduct.

Nobel-prize caliber research is carried out in studies of quantum gases and quantum optics. Condensed-matter theorists and experimentalists unravel the mysteries of many-body systems, including liquid crystals and the quantum mechanical nature of the electrical and magnetic behavior of materials.

Other areas of interest include the 物理 of nuclei, 低能和高能等离子体, and an exciting thrust into the behavior of ultrafast laser pulses and the response of atoms, 分子, and solids to such novel light sources. Novel studies of physico-chemical reactivity are also under way at temperatures a mere whisper above absolute zero. The burgeoning subjects of bio物理 and nanoscience continue to thrive and grow here, 还有能源科学, 地球物理学, 物理教育研究, and other interdisciplinary fields.

Among the department’s key partners are several national labs and institutes, located both on and off campus including JILA, LASP, the National Institute for Standards and Technology, and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory.

工程 物理 graduates are employed at Ball Aerospace, 洛克希德·马丁公司, Ascent Solar Technologies, Quantinuum, 原子计算, the Cooperative Institute for 研究 in Environmental Sciences, and the CU Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, among other national labs and organizations.

许多人还会去读研. 博彩app推荐 one-third of CU Boulder 工程 物理 graduates continue onto graduate school, gaining admittance to top schools such as MIT, 普林斯顿大学, 哈佛大学, 康奈尔大学, 斯坦福大学, 加州大学伯克利分校, and the University of Texas at Austin.

Physicists are expected to have a faster than average growth rate, with employment projected to increase 8 percent through 2031, 根据美国.S. 劳工统计局.

学生 who graduate with a bachelor's degree in 工程 物理 and pursue employment in STEM positions in the private sector can expect to earn an average salary between $50,000元及75元,000, according to the American Institute of Physics.