发表: 10月. 31, 2019

CO-LABS宣布了 2019年度总督奖 高影响力研究, 和 博彩平台推荐 researchers contributed to all three winning projects. CO-LABS is a non-profit organization that supports the state’s federally funded research centers 和 runs an annual competition to highlight some of Colorado’s most high-impact science.


Cheesman Dam spills water down its spillway, a 220-foot high wall of boulders, in June 2019. 图片来源:丹佛水.

In the “Pathfinding Partnerships” category, CO-LABS recognized researchers from the Renewable And Sustainable Energy Institute (RASEI) 在博彩平台推荐 National Institute of St和ards 和 技术 (NIST) 在博尔德,还有 Cooperative Institute for Research in 环境al 科学s (CIRES)博彩平台推荐. This team developed an instrument based on Nobel Prize-winning technology developed at JILA, NIST, 和 CU Boulder, which can pinpoint small methane leaks from more than one mile away. The team ruggedized 和 commercialized a dual-comb spectrometer for use in oil 和 gas fields: In 2018, members of the team 和 local business experts founded LongPath Technologies to provide monitoring services to oil 和 gas partners.

该奖项授予了13人, four of them affiliated with various departments 和 group at CU Boulder: Greg Rieker, 卡罗琳·奥尔登, 肖恩·科伯恩, 和罗伯特·赖特. Their colleagues are from NIST 和 LongPath Technologies.

“These creative partnerships helped the team do the unthinkable: leverage Nobel-Prize winning technology into something that the oil 和 gas industry could use daily to improve its environmental footprint, 拯救生命,节省金钱,特里·菲兹说, 博彩平台推荐的研究副校长 & 创新.

在“表现掌握”类别中, the winning team includes CIRES researchers working in the NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory’s 全球监测司 和 化学科学部. 还有他们的联邦同事, this team was recognized for a data sleuthing effort that revealed violations of the Montreal Protocol, an international agreement to protect the planet’s ozone layer. The work resulted in China recognizing 和 taking steps to address this violation.

In 2018, 研究人员, led by NOAA scientist 和 CIRES Fellow Stephen Montzka, discovered an unexpected global increase in emissions of CFC-11, one of the main chemicals responsible for the Antarctic ozone hole, 从2013年开始. Their research, published in Nature, implied outlaw production of the chemical. A 2019 Nature paper confirmed the findings of the original study 和 presented strong evidence that China was violating the Montreal Protocol.

为了回应这个团队的工作, the international body that oversees the Montreal Protocol has been working to better underst和 the problem, incorporating input 和 advice from its main advisory bodies into an effective global response, 和 the Chinese government has presented a national-scale plan to reinvigorate their efforts to comply with the Protocol. CIRES scientists comprised 9 members of the 14-member NOAA-CIRES team: Geoff S. 达顿, 埃里克·雷, Pengfei Yu (now at the Institute for 环境 和 气候 Research at Jinan University in Guangzhou, 中国), 黛布拉Mondeel, 卡罗莱纳的输出, 大卫娘娘腔的男人, Lei胡, 弗雷德摩尔, 本·R. 米勒.

Also in the category of “Pathfinding Partnerships,” Jeff Lukas from the CIRES 西部水质评估 和 Eric James, a CIRES scientist who works in NOAA ESRL的全球系统部, were recognized for their work on a multi-agency, public-private collaboration to estimate probable maximum precipitation 和 frequency of extreme events above dams In Colorado 和 New Mexico, to enhance safety 和 community resilience efforts 和 inform the Colorado State Engineer 和 Army Corp of Engineers' priorities 和 urgent projects. 项目负责人是凯利·马奥尼 NOAA ESRL的物理科学部 还有威廉·麦考密克 科罗拉多水资源局.

Colorado has one of the highest per capita concentrations of federal science, research 和 engineering facilities in the nation, 根据CO-LABS, a consortium of federally funded scientific laboratories, 大学, 企业, 地方政府, 和 community leaders organized to showcase Colorado’s research facilities. CO-LABS launched the Governor’s Award 高影响力研究 in 2009. 今年的颁奖典礼将于11月11日举行. 在丹佛自然博物馆 & 科学.