人文、社会科学、 and 编写需求

人文学科至少要修18个学分, 社会科学, and writing in order to graduate from one of the College's 14 Bachelor of Science degree programs (the Computer Science Bachelor of 艺术 degree follows a different General Education Curriculum).  Some degree programs require more credit hours in this area.  You can learn more about the courses below, including course descriptions and prerequisites, 在 大学目录.  预秋季2018 HSS/写作要求可以找到 在这里.

以下 最低 需求申请:

A. 写作: 3学时. 选择下列其中一个:

  • ENES 1010(仅限工科一年级学生)
  • ENES 3100, ENLP 3100, WRTG 3030, WRTG 3035, or PHYS 3050
  • ONLY this specific topical Global Seminar of WRTG 3020 (爱尔兰奥德赛) may apply as a writing course or as HSS course (但不是两者都有); no other topics of WRTG 3020 are approved for the writing requirement

B. 人文社会科学: 15 credit hours of approved courses, of which 6 must be at the upper-division level (3000 or higher).



H&SS要求具有类属性 工程 & 应用科学通识教育:人文学科 & 社会科学类搜索课程搜索技巧 


  • 赫布斯特工程项目,伦理学 & 社会 教 H&专为工程师设计的SS课程所有的赫布斯特课程都被批准为H&党卫军信贷.
  • 所有 工程领导计划 courses (with course prefix of ENLP) are approved for H&党卫军信贷.
  • 所有 工程荣誉计划 courses (with course prefix of EHON) are approved for H&党卫军信贷.
  • 外语. 所有 foreign language courses at the 1000- and 2000- levels are approved. 的 college encourages students to pursue the study of a new language. However, students should NOT enroll in courses for which they have already mastered the material.  If students have earned AP/IB credit and choose to reenroll 在 same coursework to solidify their foundational knowledge (and are allowed to do so by the course instructor), the subsequent enrollment will override the previously earned credit.  重新注册可能会导致任何已赚取的损失 post-requisite 外语学分, in which case the student's academic advisor can contact the Registrar's Degree Audit Office to request an adjustment to restore the post-requisite credit.
  • 第一年研讨会课程. Some First-Year Seminars (FYSM) will apply as lower division 人文学科 & 工程学院社会科学学分. 咨询 这个列表 查看哪些FYSM课程获得批准.
  • 文学院 & 理科通识教育课程包括在A的任何课程&S通识教育类别:
    • 艺术 & 人文学科
    • 社会科学
  • Any other course specifically approved for all students by the Undergraduate Education Council of the 工程与应用科学学院. 下列课程获批准:
  • ARCH 3114 -历史和建筑理论1
  • ARCH 3214 -历史和建筑理论2
  • ARCH 4010 -建筑鉴赏与设计
  • ASEN 3036 -载人航天概论
  • ASEN 3046 -航空人员
  • ASIA 4500 — Urban Asia: Tradition, Modernity, Challenges
  • ASTR 2000 -世界古代天文学
  • ATLS 2000 -信息技术的含义
  • ATLS 4244 -移情和技术
  • CMCI 3000 — Special Topics in CMCI [Space Age Kids/Media/Info]
  • COEN 1830 -第一年研讨会(2023年秋季开始)
  • COEN 2050 -工程领导力门户
  • COEN 3050 -领导中的复杂挑战
  • CSCI 4250/5250 -计算机科学:经典
  • CVEN 2837 — Special Topics: Intro to Global 工程
  • ECEN 3070 -科学的边缘
  • EDUC 2020 -第一步:探究教学方法
  • EDUC 4023 — Differentiating Instruction in Diverse Secondary Classrooms
  • EDUC 4050 — Knowledge and Learning in 数学ematics and Science
  • EMEN 4830 — Special Topics: Designing for DEI in 工程 (summer 2021 and spring 2022)
  • EMEN 4055 — Designing for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in 工程 (summer 2022 and onwards)
  • ENGL 2006 — American Comics and Graphic Novels: An Ambivalent Art
  • engl4106 -文学研究与数据科学
  • 环境规划署2001 -环境设计中的社会因素
  • ENVD 3009 — Special Topics in Environmental Design [Layers of Rome]
  • ENVD 3114 -历史 & 的ory of Environmental Design Small Scale: Buildings
  • ENVD 3134 -历史 & 的ory of Environmental Design Medium Scale: Precincts
  • EVEN 2004/2909 -全球工程导论
  • GEEN 1100/CHEN 1000 — Social Impact of Technology/Creative Technology
  • GEEN 3300 -可持续发展道德与实践
  • INFO 3101 — History of Information, Science and 社会
  • JRNL 4351 -报告战争、冲突与和平
  • mcdb3330 -进化论和神创论
  • MDST 4111 -犯罪,媒体和当代文化
  • MUEL/MUSC 3642 -爵士乐的历史
  • MUEL 3862 -音乐和全球健康
  • MUEL 3892 -音乐和空间
  • MUEL/MUSC 2772 -世界音乐:亚洲和大洋洲
  • MUEL/MUSC 2782 — World Musics: Africa, Europe, and the Americas
  • MUSC 1802 -介绍音乐风格和思想
  • 音乐3802 -音乐史1
  • 音乐3812 -音乐史2
  • NRLN 3500 -领域知识的构建
  • 物理3000 -科学和公共政策
  • PRLC 3800 — Global Inquiry for 21st Century Leadership
  • 《博彩app推荐》
  • 心理1001 -普通心理学
  • STAT 4700 -统计哲学
  • WRTG 1250 — Advanced First-Year Writing and Rhetoric
  • WRTG 3020 [Irish Odysseys: Writing in Ireland] topic only, 可以申请HSS课程还是写作课程, 但不是两者都有
  • Up to six credits of the following ROTC courses also count as H&学生选修课:
  • 生物工程学报,2020,3101,4020,4101
  • 航空学报,2010,2020,4010,4020
  • MILR 4082
  • 最多一个学分的COEN 1510也被批准.


在选择H时&SS electives, try to envision a co在这里nt plan that combines both breadth and depth. Avoid accumulating a host of unrelated and/or introductory courses. T在这里 are many 使用ful and reasonable ways to combine H&SS courses, but you need to think first about your particular interests and needs. 以下是一些组织策略:

  • 专注你的课程 在一个部门, such as History, Philosophy, Political Science, or a 外语. This sort of grouping may enable you to declare a minor field or earn a certificate; requirements vary by department.
  • Create an international focus to your degree by declaring the 全球工程.  A number of the globally- and regionally-foc使用d courses with在 minor also count towards humanities and social science requirements.
  • 考虑获得 工程伦理 & 社会证书 to engage in contemporary issues regarding the promotion, 使用, and possible risks of 工程 and applied science.
  • 考虑以下课程 赫布斯特工程项目,伦理学 & 社会,它提供H&SS classes that are designed specifically for 工程 students. 的 Herbst Program's small classes provide an excellent opportunity for you to interact closely with faculty and with fellow students, 为了提高你的 writing, critical thinking, and ethical reasoning skills. Each semester Herbst offers upper- and lower-division H&没有先决条件的SS课程.
    • In addition to its regular first-year and junior/senior seminars (ENES 1010 and ENES 3100), Herbst frequently offers a variety of special interest classes, such as  A Global State of Mind for Effective 工程 Practice, 现代科学 & 技术学会, 基因工程伦理, 信息技术的意义, as well as Global Seminars and Global Intensives to Italy and Austria.
    • Herbst’s popular small discussion seminars, ENES 1010: 工程伦理 & 社会 and ENES 3100: EES Seminar each fulfill the college writing requirement (or alternatively may be 使用d as H&学生类).