Victoria Hand
Associate Professor
STEM 教育 • CU Teach

Miramontes Baca 教育 Building, Room 183A
University of 科罗拉多州 Boulder
Boulder, CO 80309

Victoria Hand is Associate Professor of 教育 in Curriculum and Instruction. 她关注数学课堂中的文化、学习、身份和公平问题. 她的研究考察了在数学课堂上学习机会的发展, 以及来自不同种族的学生群体如何以不同的方式谈判这些机会, 种族, 语言, and social backgrounds. 她利用情境和批判性的视角来分析谈判过程是如何受到特定课堂活动系统的影响的, and by broader sociopolitical processes and structures. Her 教学 interests span a range of areas including equity in mathematics education, theories of mathematics 教学 and learning, the design of classroom learning environments, and the analysis of classroom interaction.


PhD 教育al Psychology, Stanford University, 2003
MA Learning, Design & Technology, Stanford University, 1998
BA Quantitative Economics, University of California, San Diego, 1989

I am a member of the Diversity in Mathematics 教育 Center (an NSF-CLT), which consists of a group of scholars committed to studying, 教学, and theorizing about issues of race, 权力, culture and injustice in mathematics education. 通过设计研究生课程和研讨会,我参与了中心研究成果的传播, teacher professional development activities, 以及《博彩app推荐》的手册章节.

Broadly speaking, 我的研究有助于该领域对改革导向的数学课堂中公平的不同解释的理解, 数学学习的机会与学生参与和对立的建构之间的关系.

The Construction of Opposition in a Low-Track Mathematics Classroom

这项为期一年的研究是由美国国家科学基金会资助的分钱-CLT进行的,调查了在不同学生群体的低年级和高中数学教室中学习数学的机会的发展. 从任务结构模式的角度分析了学习(和抵抗)数学的机会, the nature of the mathematical activity, the framing and positioning of student participation in this activity, and multiple dimensions of student competence in and out of the classroom. 本研究发现,课堂上的反对是由有意义的数学参与的机会不足和参与结构的转变所促进的,这种结构使学生活动两极分化为反对活动.

On the Court and In the Classroom: Mathematical Identities of Basketball Players

This year-long project funded by the Spencer Foundation and conducted with Dr. 斯坦福大学的Na'ilah Nasir在篮球和数学课的背景下对非裔美国高中篮球运动员的参与实践和认同发展进行了调查. 这项研究发现,篮球的练习支持深度参与,因为球员有更多的机会了解这个领域, were assigned and took up a unique role that was integral to the practice, and had opportunities to express themselves and feel competent. 高中数学课堂以不同的方式提供了这些机会,一个学生接受了这些机会, and the other being unable to, and thus being less engaged.

Construction of Mathematical Identities in Middle School

This year-long study funded by the Spencer Foundation and conducted with Dr. Melissa Gresalfi and Dr. 斯坦福大学的詹姆斯·格里诺(James Greeno)研究了数学同一性的本质和发展与中学课堂上学科内容学习和社会参与的关系. The findings of this study were published in a doctoral thesis by Dr. Melissa Gresalfi.

Stanford University Mathematics 教学 and Learning Study

This five-year study funded by NSF and led by Dr. 斯坦福大学的乔·博阿勒研究了传统数学教学与改革数学教学的对比. 发表了博彩app推荐数学教学改革在支持学生权威方面取得成功的研究报告, 所有权, accountability, and achievement around 权力ful mathematical ideas. Railside高中的案例研究说明了多维课堂教学方法如何支持更大范围的学生参与课堂数学实践.

My 教学 interests span a range of areas including equity in mathematics education, theories of mathematics 教学 and learning, the design of classroom learning environments, and the analysis of classroom interaction. The following is a subset of courses I have taught across various institutions:

Mathematics Knowing for Equitable 教学 

University of 科罗拉多州 Boulder, Boulder, CO

这门课程考察了数学的本质,知道老师需要接触到K12教室的所有学生. The course focuses on the Mathematics Knowledge for 教学 (MKT) framework, 它对数学教育者和研究人员重新定义数学教师的专业知识基础和发展提出了挑战. 该框架与学习的社会文化理论和种族批判理论并置,以考虑数学是如何认识的 公平的 教学 is necessarily situated within multiple communities and 权力 structures. Students investigate and interrogate fundamental ideas in empirical research, theoretical debates, and educational policies about what mathematics students should learn, what it takes to teach this, 以及数学教学(和学习)如何与更广泛的背景和社区联系起来.

Theories of Mathematics Learning 

University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI

This course explores prominent theories of learning in mathematics education. These theories for mathematics learning are surveyed with respect to the cultural, historical and social conditions in which they emerged. 学生需要考虑不同的理论角度来设计和分析数学学习环境, with the goal of assessing effective research questions and methodologies.

Theories of Mathematics 教学 

University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI

本课程着重于初学者和有经验的数学教师的学习和发展,强调以与改革理念相一致的方式学习教学. 数学教学和教师教育是在教育活动的多个层面上进行的, and with respect to professional practice. 本课程的目的是解决数学教师在准备相关数学内容时所面临的紧张关系, linking the professional preparation of math teachers to everyday classroom life, 并创建支持教师在专业社区内检查和改进其实践的结构.

Elementary Math Methods: Middle Grades 

Various Universities

本课程探讨面向中小学教师的数学教与学方法. 主题包括为不同背景的学生创造一个公平公正的课堂, 培养以探究为基础的课堂文化,支持学生的数学推理和积极的数学认同,以解释和发展学生的数学思维, 最后, to designing, 教学, and improving classroom mathematics lessons.

(For complete list of publications, please see the faculty member's curriculum vitae.)


一方面,V. M. (2010). The Co-Construction of Opposition in a Low-Track Mathematics ClassroomAmerican 教育al 研究 Journal, 47 (1), 97-132. doi: 10.3102/0002831209344216

纳西尔,N. S.,手,V., & 泰勒,E. V. (2008). 学校中的文化和数学:数学课堂内外的文化和领域知识之间的界限. Review of 研究 in 教育, 32, 187-240.

纳西尔,N. S., & 一方面,V. (2008). From the Court to the Classroom: Opportunities for Engagement, Learning and Identity in Basketball and Classroom Mathematics. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 17(2), 143-180.

纳西尔,N. S., & 一方面,V. (2006). Exploring sociocultural perspectives on race, culture, and learningReview of 研究 in 教育, 76(4), 449-475.

一方面,V. (2006). 将文化和身份的运作化,以捕捉跨社区参与的谈判. Human Development, 49(1), 36-41. doi: 10.1159/000090302

Book Chapters

一方面,V., Quindel, J., & Esmonde,我. (2010). 地位与能力:数学课堂公平讨论的切入点. 在米. Q. 富特(Ed.), Mathematics 教学 & Learning in K-12: Equity and Professional Development (pp. 151-166): New York: Palgrave.

分钱. (2007). Culture, race, 权力, and mathematics education. 在F. 莱斯特(Ed.), Handbook of 研究 on Mathematics 教学 and Learning (第二版., pp. 405-434): Reston: VA: NCTM.