A curated list of CMCI research 和 creative work for your reading, watching 和 listening pleasure. 挖的!

干预! How Ethical Speculation Could Prevent Future Tech Trouble

Almost every news cycle delivers headlines alerting readers to yet another tech transgression, 在每种情况下, 到报告问题时, 损害已经造成. 凯西Fiesler, assistant professor of Information Science, is tackling this problem through a new five-year research project on ethical speculation in technology design, supported by a prestigious National Science Foundation CAREER grant. 阅读更多»

From Rodney King to George Floyd, how video evidence can be differently interpreted in courts

Throughout Derek Chauvin’s trial for the murder of George Floyd, news media coverage highlighted the role of video as a “主要证人和检察官 史蒂夫·施莱歇尔 告诉陪审员,“相信你们的眼睛. 你看到的就是你看到的.但是桑德拉·里斯托夫斯卡说, an assistant professor of Media Studies who studies the use of video as evidence, the argument “seeing is believing” is not as intuitive as it sounds. 阅读她的文章»对话»

CMCI Professor Elected President of the American Academy of Advertising

Harsha Gangadharbatla, 广告学副教授, 公共关系与媒体设计, 新任总裁是 美国广告学会 和 the first 博彩平台推荐 professor to earn the title.  The organization has over 600 advertising scholars 和 professionals dedicated to advancing advertising knowledge 和 education globally. 阅读更多»


During her first year of college at the University of Rhode Isl和, professional rock climber Nina Williams hit a wall 和 decided it was time to let go––so she dropped out of school to focus full-time on her sport. 几年后, she found herself compelled to traverse a new path through the world of communication. She transferred to her hometown campus of CU Boulder 和 began taking courses in CMCI, 今天, she is the Department of Communication’s William W. 优等生. Recently, Williams spoke about her experience at TEDxCU 2021: Bounce. 观看完整的TEDxCU活动 然后跳到1分43秒,听威廉姆斯的声音. 另外, 在博彩平台推荐的Q中阅读更多内容&A »


It’s inevitable that at some point we must all “get our affairs in order,当博彩平台推荐这样做的时候, 有检查清单, policies 和 professionals to help create everything from wills 和 trusts to advance directives. But a key element––guidance surrounding technology 和 end-of-life planning––is missing. Assistant Professor of Information Science Jed Brubaker will work to close this gap through a five-year research project supported by a prestigious National Science Foundation CAREER grant. 阅读更多»

How Systemic Racism Continues To Determine Black Health And Wealth In Chicago

A recent NYU Medical School analysis showed that Black 和 white Chicagoans can face a 30-year gap in life expectancy, 这取决于他们的邮政编码. In her Fresh Air interview with Terry Gross, journalist Linda Villarosa (Jour’81) shares stories from her own family’s history to demonstrate how government-sanctioned policies led to the discrepancy––both by stripping Black neighborhoods of wealth 和, 反过来, negatively impacting residents’ health for generations.

听听维拉罗萨的采访阅读她的最新文章 纽约时报杂志 同一主题的故事»

Getting to the bottom of the internet’s carbon footprint

根据 纽约时报, the subsea cable network––which connects nations, regions 和 continents to the global flow of the internet––spanned nearly 750,截至2019年,已行驶了5000英里. Funded by a two-year grant from the Internet Society Foundation, Media Studies Scholar-in-Residence Hunter Vaughan recently joined an international team of researchers for a new project called Decarbonizing the Subsea Cable Network, which is a pioneering attempt to track carbon emissions at an industry-wide scale. 阅读更多»

你今天走了足够的步吗? Maybe one day you’ll ask your ‘smart’ shirt.

从苹果到谷歌再到三星, several top tech companies are investing in smart textiles––fabrics enabled with digital components that can do anything from changing the color of a shirt to warming up or cooling down in response to a person’s body temperature. Laura Devendorf––an assistant professor of Information Science 和 affiliate of Intermedia Art, Writing 和 Performance who collaborated on Google’s Project Jacquard––recently weighed in on the trend for the 华盛顿邮报》. 阅读更多»

Buffs Bring Civility Through Bateman Competition

In the public relations world, the Bateman Case Study Competition is legendary. Renowned since its inception in the 70s, the year-long project tests students’ abilities to plan, produce 和 execute a full-scale public relations campaign. This academic year marked CU Boulder’s first foray into the competition––an accomplishment that happens to coincide with the program being named an A-list school by PR News. 阅读更多»

Department of Critical Media Practices Spring Showcase

2021年春季展示会, the Department of Critical Media Practices compiled all 57 of their students’ capstone projects into an online exhibition celebrating innovative creative work from the past semester. 查看在线展示»