发表: 2月. 2, 2021

尽管事情本来就是这样, IAWP has still managed to continue to grow and produce over the past semester. Below are some highlights of IAWP doings and happenings throughout fall 2020. 

 人工创造性智能Mark Amerika教授 was invited to deliver a keynote performance at the 艺术ificial Creativity conference in Malmö, 瑞典, 11月. 19, 2020. During the performance, he premiered new iterations of the 致命错误:人工创造性智能 艺术项目, originally slated for exhibition and presentation earlier this year at CHI 2020 (Honolulu) and WeRobot 2020 (Ottawa). 他还表演了另一部新作品, 行星电晕, 坐月子, 病毒式传播(病毒式传播)形成了生命封锁, 病毒式传播和生命形式大会将于11月11日在巴黎举行. 27. 所有这些项目都源于合作, practice-based 研究 investigations taking place inside the TECHNE Lab.

2020年,TECHNE实验室非常富有成效, TECHNE船员(美国, 金, Gallagher) are coming out of the 2021 box with their next IDMO (Imaginary Digital Media Object) in the just-released special issue of Media- n:《博彩app推荐》, 专注于“Forking Paths in New Media 艺术 Practices: Investigating Remix."

博士候选人Sasha De Koninck submitted a course proposal for a class called The Body in Space to the Space Minor program, which was accepted and will be taught by her in the fall of 2021. De Koninck also completed her first-year review this past fall and is now preparing for her upcoming April residency in the B2 space by spending her Beverly Seares Graduate Student Grant on fabrics. 除了, she did a performance during the ATLAS 研究 Showcase where she wore a garment made of a textile she wove with dissolving threads. 

Laura Devendorf助理教授 参与线上活动 艺术 & 代码:自制的.

IAWP主任兼副教授Lori Emerson received a $25,000 donation from Google to support the Media Archaeology Lab. MAL也发起了它的 小额基金 for work in the lab that relates to the intersection of race and technology. Emerson also developed a new undergraduate course she’s proposing to the College of 艺术s and Sciences called 互联网的未来历史. 去年12月,她发表文章称:“博彩平台推荐的梦想够多吗??THE THING BBS是一个社会雕塑,”as part of Rhizome’s / The New Museum’s ongoing work to restore The Thing BBS. 她还参加了 presentation of libi striegl’s short video, 频率, which we aired for an event called Protected: Performing Media Archaeological Experiments that took place at the University of Luxembourg. 最后, Emerson gave a keynote presentation titled “Community x (Pedagogy + Play) at the Media Archaeology Lab'' for the MetaCulture Media Festival in Moscow, 俄罗斯. 

博士研究生Angie Eng 被刊登在 每日相机 为了她的户外展览, 就在!在博尔德博物馆. Her work responds to social crisis and systemic racism with 32 plaques. 英国也在运行一个 创造性的催化剂 fundraiser called Dare to Care food drive for public school students––in which local artists decorate food collection crates––in collaboration with Naropa's 艺术治疗部工作室组 对于脑损伤的成年人. 她还 presented at the Atlas Institute Seminar Tuesday Colloquium Series 并被授予杰拉尔德C. Bean Scholarship, as well as Colorado Music Relief Funds. 最后, Eng has been invited by Leon Gallery for a solo exhibition this summer for her work Iconoclashgiftsfeld.

助理教授Erin Espelie was a virtual visiting artist at the Ruhr-Universität in Bochum, 德国, 8月在罗马的约翰·卡伯特大学. 她那部博彩app推荐黄粉虫的电影 Tenebrio莫利托, 在澳大利亚电视台播出。 电视科学 channel through the end of the summer months and her new documentary, 神圣的山premiered in early September in Mumbai at the Indian Cine Film Festival. The Kontejner Collective also highlighted Espelie's art in Zagreb, Croatia. 最后,埃斯派利策划了一场展览, Co-Terminous, 在丹佛的联合大厅,一直开放到1月6日. 9, 2021.

博士候选人Brad Gallagher gave a presentation at the 艺术ificial Creativity conference in Malmo, 瑞典, 11月. 19 and 20 entitled “Do GPT-2s Dream of Electric Poetry?" He was also selected for an Atlas B2 residency, to be held from 2月. 2021年3月22日至5日. 除了, Gallagher completed his first-year review!

博士生Laura Hyunjhee 金 参加过集体演出吗 即将到来的档案 在旧金山的Telematic Media 艺术s工作.

她的个展, 生活实验室, 也于11月在克拉克学院开设 阿切尔画廊 在华盛顿的温哥华. 除了显示项目在线, she offered a workshop titled Feeling without Touching: An Archive of Feelosophic 艺术efacts from the 生活实验室 and collaborated with virtual visitors to create intimate "feelosophic artefacts" that explore and reimagine how we language our emotions in digital spaces.

Laura Hyunjhee 金生活实验室

金正日的视频, 板球世界, is included in the online, social VR, and in-gallery group exhibition 即将到来的档案 在远程通信媒体艺术. 最后,她的书, 进入Blobosphere:对Blobs的思考, 已经在 雨的出租车.

博士候选人Darija Medic participated in a debate on “the new normal” during the literary festival . 她还参加了 服务条款幻想阅读器 workshop during the South Eastern European Dialogue on Internet Governance. 最后,她参加了贝尔格莱德的奥运会 创新周 通过一个博彩app推荐“未来叙事”的小组讨论," speaking from the position of the affiliation with the Media Archaeology Lab as a small intervention in narratives on innovation.

Associate Professor and IAWP 教师 Affiliate Hanna Rose Shell's 书, Shoddy: From Devil's Dust to the Renaissance of Rags这本书由芝加哥大学出版社出版.

最后但同样重要的, 博士研究生温碧怡 presented a paper titled "Mapping Post-Reform Narratives: Hypertext Network as Literary Infrastructure" at the Youth Round Table as part of the Fifth-Annual Conference of Network Society, hosted by Institute of Network Society in 中国 Academy of Fine 艺术 in Hangzhou, 中国. The paper will eventually be translated and published in Chinese by INS.