LGBTQ+ Health 资源

你需要在博尔德地区寻找有能力的lgbtq医疗专业人员吗? Are you looking for on-campus mental and physical health care? 博彩平台推荐知道,找到理解LGBTQ+经历的专业人士可能很困难. Check out the resources below for a head start!

If you don’t find the resources you’re looking for below, 或者如果你需要一对一的帮助来浏览这些和其他资源, you can always reach out to our staff at


Counseling and Psyciatric (CAPS) uses a short-term care model for individual counseling and psychiatry. CAPS提供者与每个学生合作,根据他们的需求制定个性化的护理计划,并根据需要为社区的持续护理提供建议或推荐. CAPS设有一个专门为以下人士提供团体、资源和信息的网页 LGBTQIA2S+ mental health care 在博彩平台推荐.

性别及社会性别讲座 is a Let’s Talk session open to LGBTQIA+ students, individuals who are questioning and allies, where they can ask questions, voice concerns and discover resources related to sex, 性与性别.

的 Transgender and Gender Creative Group 欢迎所有年龄和背景认同为跨性别的中大学生, 变性人, gender variant and gender queer to a supportive space. 这个小组将专注于鼓励个人发展, 创造和利用可行的应对技巧,接受每个人独特的经历.

CU Collegiate Recovery Community 提供社区, support and connection for students, 正在恢复或寻求从各种行为中恢复的教职员工. CUCRC’s resources include: 

To get in touch, email

Faculty and Staff Assistance Program (FSAP) 免费的保密咨询/咨询/转介服务是否旨在为教职员工提供可能影响工作表现的个人或工作相关问题的帮助. 所有财务支援计划的职员都受过全才顾问的训练,并具备处理各种个人及工作相关问题的能力. You must be a CU Boulder employee to use FSAP services, and services are no cost to all CU Boulder faculty and staff members. 
To schedule an appointment, fill out the FSAP联系表格.

伞的集体 发展成为一种团体实践,客户可以从包容的角度看到自己在治疗师身上的反映. 这个集体由一群谈话治疗师组成,他们擅长使用交叉视角, centering the margins in the therapeutic work. Counselors at the 伞的集体 social justice, 致力于在BIPOC最佳实践方面进行持续培训和教育, LGBTQ people and people who experience life on the margins. 

酷儿星号 博尔德有心理健康组织提供咨询服务吗, 丹佛, Longmont and Fort Collins. 该组织成立的目的是创建一个不同类型的心理健康组织, rooted in social justice advocacy, 致力于富有同情心的咨询和教育,完全由酷儿和变性专业人士经营. 所有的咨询服务都是针对酷儿的,强调酷儿的韧性和活力. 的rapists and counselors are able to offer sliding scale pricing, as well as full and partial scholarships.

Out Boulder County’s trans health resources 包括校外辅导员和与变性客户和患者一起工作的医疗提供者.

National Queer and Trans 的rapists of Color Network 是一个致力于改变有色人种酷儿和变性人心理健康的康复正义组织吗. 该网络为致力于改善社区心理健康的有色人种酷儿和变性人提供了一个空间.

Office of Victim Assistance (OVA) provides 免费的 and confidential support, 咨询, advocacy and short-term trauma counseling to all CU Boulder students, 研究生, staff and faculty who have experienced or witnessed a traumatic, disturbing or life-disrupting event. We also offer support for those who are helping a friend, 合作伙伴, family member or colleague through a traumatic experience.

反式的生命线年代热线 是否有跨性别者为跨性别者和质疑者提供的同伴支持服务. Operators are located all over the U.S. and Canada, and are all trans-identified. If you are in crisis or just need someone to talk to, even if it's just about whether or not you're trans, 请打电话给. 的 will do their best to support you and provide you with resources. 他们认为,一个处于危机中的跨性别者所能得到的最好的支持是与博彩平台推荐社区的其他成员有共同的生活经历.

特雷弗计划 是世界上最大的女同性恋自杀预防和危机干预组织吗, 同性恋, 双性恋, 变性人, queer and questioning (LGBTQ) young people. 他们通过电话、短信和聊天为LGBTQ青年提供全天候的危机咨询.


医疗服务 clinic offers pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV prevention. If you are interested in PrEP counseling, prescription initiation and ongoing maintenance, 请打电话给 303-492-5432.

Boulder County AIDS Project 提供了支持, 向社区内感染爱滋病病毒或受爱滋病影响的人士进行宣传及教育, 并作为预防艾滋病毒进一步传播的外展和信息中心. Services provided include medical and bilingual case management, 保险援助, 金融支持, pro bono professional services such as legal aid, nutritional support through our on-site food pantry and 免费的 HIV and hepatitis testing. 

医疗服务 provides gender-affirming hormone therapy. 如果你对开始或继续性别确认激素治疗感兴趣, 请打电话给 303-492-5432 to schedule a 咨询 appointment. 提供者接受过培训,并使用目前世界跨性别健康专业协会(WPATH)的护理标准来启动和管理激素替代疗法.

Anthem Gold Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) provides comprehensive surgical benefits. 请提供给外科医生的转介信(您的外科医生可能需要或不需要这样的信) schedule an appointment to meet with a 医疗服务 provider. 

If your surgeon requires two letters, you can also schedule an appointment to meet with a Counseling and Psychiatric Services (CAPS) provider.

If you work with an out-of-state surgeon, the LGBTQ+ Care Team can provide post-surgical care upon your return.

预约 与保险福利专家和转介协调员一起确保你知道将包括哪些内容. 

起重机中心的博士. Gallegos is scheduling 咨询s. He offers primary and revision robotic peritoneal flap vaginoplasty, penile inversion vaginoplasty, 睾丸切除术, 外阴成形术, metoidioplasty, 阴茎成形术, 尿道成形术, 阴囊成形术, glansplasty, 睾丸移植, 阴茎植入物, 以及男性化和女性化臀部手术并发症的修正. 

To schedule your 咨询, please complete the new patient registration form. 的 New Patient Department will be in touch from there. 请 call 512-910-3711, or email,有什么问题吗?. 

Boulder Community Health 提供全面的健康服务,并致力于为LGBTQ患者创造肯定和支持的体验. In addition to general health and medical services, Boulder Community Health provides gender-affirming surgical procedures.

丹佛健康 provides LGBTQ health services, including preventative health screenings, management of chronic conditions, sexual health services, same-day pre-exposure prophylaxis, 艾滋病毒服务, hormone replacement therapy(HRT) on an informed consent model, 声音疗法, 行为健康服务和性别确认手术被认为是科罗拉多大学学生健康计划的一部分.

OutCare健康 is a national database of LGBTQ+ competent health care providers. 博彩平台推荐数据库并输入您的地区代码以查看医疗提供者列表.


Finances and insurance

所有学生都可以享受医疗服务,无论健康保险范围如何. 您可以使用您自己的私人健康保险计划(有或没有BuffCare)或您的Anthem Gold学生健康保险计划(SHIP). 自费费用可能会根据保险福利和就诊类型而有所不同.

博彩平台推荐的 Student Health Insurance and Referrals team 还可以帮助您审查您的黄金船福利和回答有关保险范围或账单的问题. 了解更多信息或安排私人面对面或电话交谈, 请致电303-492-5107与博彩平台推荐的学生健康保险和转介团队联系.

请 note that if you are on an insurance plan under a family member, 在提交给保单所有人的利益解释(EOB)中可能会出现一些代码和收费. You can discuss this with your insurance plan or with our Student Health Insurance and Referrals team. 如果你超过18岁, 除非你签署了一份信息发布协议,否则其他人无法获得你的医疗记录.