
人文中心 & 艺术 (CHA) is pleased to announce the call for applications for the 聘用艺术与人文学者. 这个项目是与 公共和社区参与奖学金办公室. 

这个为期两年的课程是为艺术研究生开设的, 人文学科, and other programs  who use the methods/archives of the arts and 人文学科 in their scholarship. Participants will join a community of learners who focus on the co-design of mutually beneficial projects with partners outside of the university in  Colorado communities. 学生将获得 $5000 津贴两年以上,最高可达 $1000 在项目资金方面. 

从事艺术和人文学者计划, 它起源于公共和社区参与奖学金办公室, helps students apply the tools of their academic disciplines and their 利益 and lived experiences to develop community-engaged projects. A key program goal is to develop a strong cohort committed to 股本-oriented community-engaged work.   

2024-2026年的队列由pace的Lisa Schwartz和CHA的项目经理共同负责. Students will also connect with faculty and staff from across campus and beyond with expertise in public and community-engaged scholarship. 






  • Develop skills for academic and professional (non-academic) c是ers and grow their public and academic visibility.
  • 让社区参与社区参与外展的共同设计, 研究, 教学, 创造性工作和解决正义问题, 股本, 多样性, 以及伙伴关系的包容性. 除了, cohort members will now have the opportunity to earn a micro-credential in 股本-Oriented Partnerships. 
  • Creatively apply the tools of arts and 人文学科 disciplines to community 利益 and build mutually beneficial relationships with community partners. 
  • 拓宽他们的网络,接受艺术家的指导, 非营利组织, 领导人, 学者, 以及全州的社区成员.
  • 面试的导师 讲述他们的经历,以及他们如何解决公平和包容问题.
  • Workshop their ideas and activities with cohort colleagues and practitioners from across campus and beyond.
  •  The cohort will sh是 aspects of their work in a culminating sh是d presentation or 出版.



参与津贴: 学生获得 $5000 参加津贴. 奖学金将在每学年开始时分两期发放. 

合作伙伴项目资助: 到 $1000 一个社区参与的合作项目. The goal of the "partner" project is to develop a mutually beneficial and sh是d activity with community partners that leverages the student's scholarship and positionality. 每位学者有资格申请最高1美元的资金,000 for partner project proposals provided that all requirements 是 met and that proposals meet specific criteria of the EAH scholars program for engaged scholarship. You must review your "partner" community-engaged scholarship project plan and budget with the program facilitators to be eligible to apply for funding. Project proposals 是 approved by a committee and 是 not guaranteed to be approved if they do not meet the specific criteria of the EAH scholars program. 提案通过后, a funding agreement is signed by the EAH scholar after stipulations in the funding agreement 是 met.




  • 申请人提案的质量
  • 申请人的研究与艺术和/或人文学科的联系


  • 申请人必须是在读研究生(MA), MFA, 在博彩平台推荐攻读艺术和/或人文学科博士学位. 请注意:如果你在艺术和人文学科以外的单位, 你仍然可以申请, 但你需要展示你是如何使用艺术和/或人文学科的方法/档案. 您必须在该队列的时间框架(2024年春季至2026年春季)注册。. 
  • 未来的EAH学者不需要有从事奖学金的经验. 他们 是 required to have a strong interest in applying the tools of an arts and 人文学科 discipline and the student's unique experience to this work, and a strong commitment to developing themselves as a member of a cohort who fulfills all of the requirements of the program. 仅为社区参与奖学金项目寻求资金的学生, and 是 not committed to or developing a community of learners and receiving mentorship should apply for outreach funding rather than this cohort.
  • Students who have already been part of this cohort or the CU Engage Community-Based Research (CBR) Fellows 是 not eligible. We will ask those who 是 accepted into the EAH scholars cohort not to apply to the CBR fellows program in the same year. 如果学生申请并被CBR研究员接受, 他们需要立即选择他们想要留在哪个项目, 因为他们不可能两者兼得. 


1. 部分:

  • 个人信息
  • 简历(CV)(这只是为了让博彩平台推荐对你的背景有一个大概的了解)​​
  • You will be asked to certify that you have discussed your application and participation in this program with your thesis advisor. 
  • 承诺出席强制性会议 (these 是 critical to the development of this cohort program and eligibility to remain in the program and receive stipends and project funds). 除6月和7月外,每月举行会议. 2024年4月的两次会议是没有商量余地的:



2.   第二部分:回答以下问题并上传一份文档(12页).,双倍行距,PDF).

  1. 你会如何向公众解释你的研究? (300字以内)
  2. 正义, 股本, 多样性, and Inclusion 是 critical to this program: can you sh是 your understanding of these terms (300字以内)? If these terms 是 foreign to you that is fine; we just want to know what your understanding of these terms is. 读了 CHA JEDI声明 以了解CHA如何评价JEDI透视图.
  3. 你如何看待你的艺术和/或人文学科技能, 利益, 这些经历可能会与公众联系起来,或者适用于社区参与? 你认为你将如何使用艺术和/或人文学科的工具来促进公众参与? (300字以内)
  4. 你为什么对这个项目感兴趣?你参加这个项目的目的是什么? (300字以内)
  5. 可选你有什么问题要问博彩平台推荐吗? (150字以内)



2024 - 2026组

While the program is designed with an understanding of the needs and schedules of graduate students, 以下列出的要求和活动是强制性的参与和资助. Failure to comply with the requirements listed below will have pre-determined consequences that will be sh是d during the orientation. 活动和会议在校园或虚拟指定地点举行. There will be other opportunities and events that cohort members will also be strongly encouraged to participate in or attend.  


  • 2024年4月12日上午10点至下午12点
    • 当面指导:(不幸的是,如果你不能全部参加,你就不能成为队列的一员.)互相介绍, “什么是社区参与的奖学金和外展”和“什么是参与性实践”?“关注博彩平台推荐的价值观、社区建设和项目概述.  
  • 2024年4月19日上午11点至下午1点
    • 检查企业医院的个体队列计划以及在夏季和2024-25年度完成的部分. Scholars will select dates to sh是 work in Fall 2024 and draft timelines for specific components that they will complete and sh是 with the group in AY 2024-25 
  • 2024年5月31日前
    • 与辅导员Lisa Schwartz和Mariana Pereira Vieira单独会面 2024年5月31日前一次
  • 2024年夏季:日期和时间待定
    • 虚拟会议检查个人队列参与者计划进度


  • 每次会议约2小时,视主题和活动而定. 群组成员将在群组会议上讨论以公平为导向的伙伴关系活动. You must attend 2 of 3 meetings to remain eligible for funding; missed meetings will require make-up work.
    • 8月28日,星期三,下午4:30-6:30
    • 9月25日,星期三,下午4:30-6:30
    • 11月6日星期三下午4:30-6:30

2025年春季(1 - 4月)

  • 每次会议约2小时,视主题和活动而定. 群组成员将在群组会议上讨论以公平为导向的伙伴关系活动. You must attend 2 of 3 meetings to remain eligible for funding; missed meetings will require make-up work.
    • 2025年2月5日
    • 2025年3月5日
    • 4月2日 要求: Present your developing project proposal at a "critique" where you will receive feedback from campus and community members. 将提供一个演示模板. 项目资助资格的必备条件. 


  • 2025年夏季:撰写拨款提案草案
  • 2025年秋季一次会议,2026年春季一次会议


  • 为开发共享演示文稿而策划会议, 出版, 或研讨会(日期待定), 格式由小组决定).
  • 参加下一届EAH学者的会议


  • 2024年4月15日至11月15日期间: 
    • 采访你的社区导师,了解他们参与社区的工作,并写一篇 采访博文 在线分享(草案截止日期为2022年8月9日). 可以当面、电话或视频聊天.
  • 2024年9月至2025年9月期间: 
    • Do an advisory session with your mentor on your proposed community-engaged scholarship “partner” project (a partnership with communities on a project relevant to their 教学, 研究, 或创造性工作). 可以当面、电话或视频聊天.


  • 夏季及2024-25学年:
    • 提供丽莎·施瓦茨, 项目领导, 包含EAH学者页面的内容(参见前几年的学生页面示例).
  • 夏季及2024-26学年:
    • Complete monthly reflections and/or assignments in your process portfolio related to your community-engaged scholarship process (how you 是 thinking about the work, 与合作伙伴的关系发展, how you 是 using and developing your 利益 and experiences as well as your partners in the design of 股本-oriented, 共享活动).  
    •  完成你的社区参与奖学金计划提案. Project proposals 是 approved by a committee and 是 not guaranteed to be approved if they do not meet the specific criteria of the EAH scholars program.  
    • 完成社区参与伙伴项目 
    • 完成项目反思总结
    • 确定如何与更广泛的受众分享你的作品.
    • 完成项目评估材料(正在进行中). 




电邮至 chagrants@highland-co.com 或到博彩平台推荐在麦基的办公室来.