应用程序 应该通过 研究生招生门户网站.

The CU Boulder 工程学院 and 应用科学 is 免除申请费2025年秋季博士申请者 who meet either of the following criteria:

  • U.S. citizen or permanent resident with an undergraduate GPA of 3.4+和应用之前 11月. 15, 2024. The application fee will automatic所有y be waived 为 applicants who meet these criteria; no code is required.
  • National 社会 of Black Engineers (NSBE) members: Please contact 梅瑞迪斯Canode prior to submitting your application to have the fee waived.

The application process differs 为 domestic and international applicants. Please read 所有 application requirements and instructions carefully.

看到 截止日期的页面 适用的截止日期. Applicants are encouraged to apply as early as possible be为e the deadline.  Admission is done on a rolling basis, and early applicants will sometimes have access to more funding opportunities.


  1. 3.本科GPA: 不能达到本科标准的申请人,如果完成了9个学期的相关研究生课程,至少达到3分,仍然可以获得正常录取.25日平均.
  2. 三封推荐信: At least two academic references are preferred. If you have not recently been in an academic setting, you may use professional references from managers, 客户, 等.
  3. 个人履历或简历
  4. 个人陈述: We require a personal statement of no more than two pages. This is where a student can outline their interests, 未来的目标, 以及他们之前的经历是如何准备和激励他们在博彩平台推荐攻读研究生学位的. 另外, 正在进行研究的学生被要求提供有关先前的研究和专业经历如何影响他们研究生院兴趣的信息. Your personal statement should address the following areas:
    • What inspired you to pursue a degree in this field, and how does your background prepare you 为 success in the program? Please be as specific as possible and highlight any relevant coursework, 研究, or professional experiences that have influenced your decision to pursue this degree.
    • 在系里你最感兴趣的具体研究或实践领域是什么?为什么? If interested in 研究, which professors are you interested in working with? 解释你的理由.
    • 描述一项重要的学术或专业成就,证明你有能力在研究生项目中取得成功. What ch所有enges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them? 这段经历如何让你为研究生阶段严格的课程和研究做好准备?
    • 你对与多样性有关的问题的经验或参与将如何为民事领域增添价值, 环境, and architectural engineering over the next 10 years? This can include working with diverse communities, involvement or leadership with diversity-related student groups, 或者其他形式的参与.
    • What are your career aspirations following completion of the degree, and how do you see the program at CU helping you achieve these goals?
  5. 非官方的成绩单: Upload an unofficial copy of your transcript(s) from 所有 undergraduate and graduate institution(s) you attended. This includes community colleges, summer sessions, and extension programs. 未能列出和提交以前就读过的所有机构的成绩单被认为是违反学术道德的,可能会导致你被取消录取或被大学开除.
  6. 国际申请者: International applicants must provide a TOEFL, 雅思考试, or Duolingo score if English is not your native language. 如果您在申请时已在美国机构(或在英语为母语的国家的机构)完成至少一年的全日制学习,则免除英语能力要求, and within two years from your desired admission term. Your transcripts are used to confirm this. 非英语母语者只需提供足够的英语口语和书面证明. Preferred scores 为 each English proficiency exam are:
    • TOEFL 90 (only internet-based tests are accepted)
    • 雅思7.0
    • Duolingo 120
  7. GRE考试: GRE考试不需要. 

If you have any problems or questions during the application process, 请与部门联系 研究生项目顾问.

如果你有兴趣参加摩顿森中心研究生证书选项, include in your statement of purpose:
  • How your previous experience (EWB, Peace Corps, professional, 等.) prepares you 为 the Mortenson Center in 全球工程 program;
  • 描述您为参加摩顿森中心全球工程相关活动所接受的语言培训,以及您的听力流利程度, 说话, 阅读, and writing in any language other than English;
  • 说明你在发展中社区的工程研究生学习中明确定义的兴趣领域.e., water/sanitation/hygiene, energy, cook stoves, shelter, disaster relief, 等.); and,
  • 说明参加摩顿森中心研究生证书课程将如何促进你的学术和职业抱负

莫顿森中心研究生证书在美国西部地区是独一无二的, 并通过西部地区研究生计划(WRGP)向符合条件的wich参与州的居民提供学费优惠。. For more in为mation, please visit the WICHE WRGP网站. 如果你认为你是合格的, 确保在在线申请的背景信息部分勾选适当的复选框-请参阅补充信息部分. 注册主任办公室的学费分类部门需要重要的文件来验证资格.

Please note that your application must be complete be为e it is processed.

The 土木、环境, 和建筑工程(CEAE)系研究生委员会将密切关注你的专业领域, 你的本科学位和GPA, 你的推荐信, 以及你的目的陈述.

博彩平台推荐认识到,单凭GPA并不能全面反映申请人以前的表现和未来的潜力, our most competitive applicants meet the target 3.00 undergraduate grade point average, 或完成9个学期的相关研究生课程,成绩至少为3分.平均绩点25. Applicants must also show promise of ability to pursue advanced study and 研究, as judged by their application materials.


然而,这个过程是 极具竞争力, and applying to or being admitted to the program 不保证支持. 你应该联系你专业领域的教授,以获得研究助理奖学金. 除非特别合格, 只有当你在第一年的学术工作中表现优异时,你才会被考虑获得经济支持.

请注明是否有外部资助-政府奖学金,企业赞助等. -在你的目的声明中.

如果博彩平台推荐决定以助学金或奖学金的形式为你提供经济支持, we will notify you in a separate letter once that decision has been made.


如果你被录取了, 您的电子邮件将包括研究生院院长的信息以及CEAE研究生委员会的录取通知书. This letter will include the name of your temporary faculty advisor. 如果适用的话, 这封信还将包括你的专业项目所要求的任何先决课程或你接受的规定.  你必须填写从研究生院收到的所有表格,才能成为博彩平台推荐的学生.

To accept your offer of admission, you must confirm your admission in your 应用门户 并提交200美元的学术保证金. 这笔存款由大学持有,直到你毕业或在规定的截止日期内正式提取.

如果你收到录取通知书并确认你的入学意向,你将被要求 submit your official transcripts to Graduate Admissions. Do not send official transcripts until a 最后 官方成绩单可提供-包括所有分级课程和毕业日期的学位. 正式成绩单必须与随申请一起提交的非正式成绩单相匹配.

An advising registration hold is be placed on 所有 incoming graduate students. 把货舱移开, you will need to meet with your faculty advisor to discuss your degree plan. 一旦这个对话发生, your faculty advisor will notify the Graduate Program Advisors, 这样就能解除滞留. If you are unsure who your faculty advisor is, this in为mation is included in your acceptance letter. 如果您有麻烦,将此hold删除或任何其他注册问题, 请与 研究生项目顾问.

Enrollment can be deferred 为 up to one year from the original application term. An email request must be sent to the 研究生项目顾问 申请延期. If the deferment is requested to establish residency, one course per semester can be taken through the Division of Continuing Education ACCESS program at a lower rate than non-resident tuition. With your faculty advisor’s approval, 在开始研究生课程之前,最多三门课程可以应用于你的硕士学位.