
The Buff公告板, a listing of campus announcements, is a service of 校园通讯.




Join the Young Emerging Adult Research Study (YEARS) study at CU 博尔德 和 CU Anschutz (IRB# 23-2067) to underst和 emotions. Earn $25 per hour (up to approximately $400 total) for up to three study session phases (1 3/4 hours). 必须是18-25岁, 能够参加面对面的会议, 并且有双相情感障碍的个人病史 or 无精神病史. 

马上申请. 电子邮件years-study@colorado.Edu或致电303-735-7547.



Join the Young Emerging Adult Research Study (YEARS) study at CU 博尔德 和 CU Anschutz (IRB# 23-2067) to underst和 emotions. Earn $25 per hour (up to approximately $400 total) for up to three study session phases (1 3/4 hours). 必须是18-25岁, 能够参加面对面的会议, 并且有双相情感障碍的个人病史 or 无精神病史.

马上申请. 电子邮件years-study@colorado.Edu或致电303-735-7547.

Construction has started on Diagonal Highway (CO 119) between Longmont, 博尔德


建设 Colorado Highway 119 安全, Mobility 和 Bikeway Improvements Project 已经开始并将持续到2027年. Efforts are underway to mitigate impacts 和 exp和 transportation options during the project, 但是你平常的旅行路线可能会受到建筑的影响, 整个项目的交通延误和拥堵加剧. 在博彩app推荐解更多博彩app推荐这个项目的信息 锥区页面.

Historic 3 bed furnished house for $3,900; close to Pearl Street with Flatiron views

注:12月10日起开始出租. 7, 2024. Minimum rental 4 or 5 months, depending on which months; longer also OK.


美丽的, 家具齐全, historic-l和marked, 翻新的3间卧室, 1-3/4浴室,享有熨斗景观, 突出的南光, 还有石板露台. 步行10分钟即可到达珍珠街东端的商店/餐馆. 自行车道和公交线路距离2到3个街区. 停车场在街上,随时可用. 表现良好的狗或猫. 酒店内禁止吸烟或吸电子烟.

  • 3间卧室目前设置为1张全床, 一张单人床和一个书房, 但博彩平台推荐可以重新配置为1满, 两个双胞胎, 如果愿意的话,我要一个双人间. 客厅里有一张折叠沙发.
  • 热是辐射循环的, 高效的燃气锅炉提供源源不断的热水, 能量回收通风机提供过滤后的新鲜空气. 夏天有3扇窗户.
  • 博彩平台推荐支付互联网/Wi-Fi和垃圾/回收/堆肥. 租客付煤气、电和水费.
  • 这就是博彩平台推荐住的家, 和 the most important thing we're looking for is a renter who will take care of it as we do.


建于1901年,位于历史悠久的惠蒂尔社区, our Georgian-vernacular house sits halfway up a bluff 和 has fabulous southern light 和 excellent Flatiron views. There are hardwood floors throughout 和 a well-equipped kitchen with an isl和, 花岗岩表面, 樱桃橱柜, 洗碗机, 玻璃顶电炉和不锈钢冰箱. 微波炉在地下室. The living room has a sofa bed that sleeps 2 和 an upright Steinway piano. The dining room table seats 6 comfortably or 8 with a bit of squeezing. The 3/4 downstairs bathroom has a European glass shower 和 high-efficiency front-loading washer 和 condensing dryer. 舒适的书房有2张桌子, 内置书柜, 和, 如果你愿意, 一台打印机, 23英寸1080p高清显示器, 和可调节的站立式办公桌转换器. 一张双人床可以代替一张桌子.

  • Upstairs, the large bedroom has a double (full) bed 和 a lovely view of the Flatirons year-round. An adjoining dressing/TV room has a 40" 4K Ultra HD TV (no cable or satellite) 和 Blu-ray/DVD player. 楼上的小卧室里有一张双人床和一张书桌. 这个房间可以再加一张双人床. The upstairs bathroom has a combo shower/deep-soak tub with a European glass surround 和 a luxurious steam shower with two fold-down seats for extended steaming. 
  • Wi-Fi下载速度为40mbps. Our furniture has been well used by children 和 dogs 和 has some dings. 如果你对狗有强烈的过敏, 这房子可能不适合你, as some traces of dog hair 和 d和er will persist even after deep cleaning.
  • 一间宽敞的石板露台带一座露台,内有一张野餐桌, 座位16人, 和熨斗从秋天到春天的景色. 前廊还能看到熨斗(Flatiron)的季节性景观. 博彩平台推荐的小院子里有很少维护的绿化设施.
  • The house was the home of the poet Allen Ginsberg when he founded the School for Disembodied Poetics at Naropa University.
  • Renter is responsible for snow removal 和 minor upkeep like occasional watering of plants 和 installing window ACs (if wanted).
  • Absolutely no smoking or vaping of any substance anywhere in the house or on the property. Pot edibles 和 drinkables are fine, but processing of pot is not.
  • 保证金是5000美元. 休假租赁不受博尔德许可要求的限制.
  • 步行距离:7分钟到珍珠街, 15分钟到珍珠街步行街, 10分钟到天然食品店, 5分钟到惠蒂尔小学, 12分钟后到凯西中学, 20分钟后到博尔德高中, 25分钟到中大. 山间小径从西边一英里处开始.
  • 业主支付互联网/Wi-Fi和垃圾/回收/堆肥费用. 租客付煤气、电和水费. 酒店内任何地方都禁止吸烟或吸电子烟. 一些小的维护,如浇水和铲雪是必需的.

医疗服务 at Wardenburg 健康 Center now accepts Medicaid

医疗服务 at Wardenburg 健康 Center now accepts Medicaid. 所涵盖的服务包括初级保健, 性健康和生殖健康, 物理治疗*, 实验室和x光检查.

*医疗补助需要物理治疗服务转诊. Students who want to receive physical therapy services will need a referral from a primary care provider before scheduling their PT appointment.


The Supporting Student Resiliency Professional Development Series provides CU faculty 和 staff with concrete skills to better support students. 会议的重点是对学生的保留和成功至关重要的领域. Faculty 和 staff can attend any individual session; those attending all three will receive a non-degree certificate of completion.


Do you identify as being of Mexican, Mexican-American or Chicano/a heritage? 对你的情绪和心情感兴趣? Participate in a paid study to underst和 your own emotions 和 mental health in the CU Department of Psychology 和 Neuroscience (IRB#24-0303)! 

当您参与时,可获得高达30美元的礼品卡. 研究包括以下部分或全部内容:

  • A部分:在线调查 – Answer online questionnaires about your emotions, cultural values, mood 和 psychological health. 大约45分钟收费20美元.
  • 可选部分B:情绪回忆任务 – Complete an online emotion memory task 和 additional questionnaires about your current emotions. 为大约15分钟额外支付10美元.

资格, 你一定有墨西哥血统, 年龄在18到25岁之间, 英语流利.

有兴趣参与? 请填写调查问卷.
有什么问题吗?? 请发邮件至leap-study@highland-co.com 和 name the subject line (“飞跃的研究”) or give us a call at 303-735-7547.




自2018年以来在博尔德开发和托管, UROP's Sidewalk Symposium invites undergraduates to create 和 share their research 和 creative presentations with chalk on campus walkways—all in collaboration with a professional artist!

All CU 博尔德 undergraduates engaged in campus research 和 creative projects are encouraged to join the fun. Materials will be provided; event staff, 包括博彩平台推荐的艺术家合作伙伴, 是否可以全天提供协助.

10月前登记. 11日,并在日历上标记10月11日的活动. 17岁的研究 & 创新周! 了解更多并注册.