PhD Program

生物医学工程哲学博士(PhD)学位为学生在生物医学工程行业的职业生涯和生物医学科学的高级培训提供了科学基础. We offer opportunities for students to focus on biomechanics and mechanobiology; medical devices; imaging and diagnostics or therapeutics. We partner with top-ranked medical institutions (CU Anschutz), laboratories (NIST), 和众多Front Range医疗公司合作,推广转化方法来解决紧迫的生物学问题和未满足的医疗需求.

博彩平台推荐的博士学位旨在为学生在大学和学术/政府实验室环境中的博士后职位做准备, or as faculty members in colleges and universities globally. 毕业生还将为在相关的医学和其他学校(兽医)取得成功做好准备, medicine, law, etc.).

学生必须完成本学科30学分的高级研究生学习, as well as at least 30 dissertation credits. The PhD degree typically takes four to five years to complete. 学生可以选择完成生物医学工程博士学位:

  • 通过学习重点突出的高级课程和开展前沿研究,加深他们在该学科的科学知识.
  • 获得与学术界相关的生物科学核心知识, industry, hospitals, and government labs.
  • 学会管理开放式的研究项目,并在生物医学工程领域发表同行评议的期刊文章.

Students must identify a faculty research mentor to collaborate with on their dissertation. 这需要在导师指导下完成一个研究项目, a written dissertation that describes the research in detail, and an oral defense in front of a committee of program faculty. 研究项目的范围通常旨在以三篇或更多同行评议的期刊文章的形式传播新的科学知识.

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Graduate Admissions Webinar

请回到博彩平台推荐的AY 2023 - 2024招生网络研讨会的信息!

Program Overview

课程结构将提供生物医学工程和科学主题的高级培训和研究,与该计划的重点是生物力学, imaging & diagnostics, therapeutics and medical devices. 提供生物医学工程分支学科的基础和高级研究, the curriculum prepares graduates with experience in:

  1. Applying principles of engineering, biology, human physiology, chemistry, calculus-based physics, mathematics (through differential equations) and statistics;
  2. Solving bio/biomedical engineering problems, 包括那些与生物和非生物系统之间的相互作用有关的;
  3. Analyzing, modeling, designing, and realizing bio/biomedical engineering devices, systems, components, or processes; and
  4. 对生命系统进行测量和解读数据,
  5. 提供生物医学工程分支学科的基础和高级研究,与学生的研究目标保持一致,并有助于加快学生的研究目标.

Curriculum Requirements

你必须完成至少30个5000级或更高的研究生学分. 一些研究顾问会要求他们的学生完成30个以上的课程学分, 并建议具体的课程决定应通过个别教师/学生讨论达成一致.


Dissertation Credits

除了课程作业,你还需要完成30个小时的论文. 学生不能自行注册论文学分,应与研究生导师预约注册.

在综合考试期间取得的论文学分可以算作综合前或综合后的论文学分. 您必须在通过综合考试后的学期中连续注册五个学位论文学分.

Admission Requirements

生物医学工程项目一般遵循入学要求 Graduate School.

Biomedical Engineering PhD Program Requirements 

  • 3.0 minimum undergraduate GPA.
  • A personal statement. 这应该简要地描述过去的工作在拟或相关的研究领域, including non-course educational experiences, teaching, or other relevant employment, publications, theses, research in progress, other scholarly activities, and plans for graduate study and a professional career. 博彩平台推荐特别感兴趣的是申请人的活动和计划的智力价值和更广泛的影响的证明. Additionally, 请确定研究兴趣与你的计划一致的特定教师,谁可以作为合适的导师.
  • Three (3) letters of recommendation.
  • There are no course pre-requisites.
  • GRE is not required.
  • The application deadline for Fall is December 1.

The Graduate School Requirements

  • Domestic Applicant Graduate School Requirements 
  • International Applicant Graduate School Requirements
  • 研究生院入学英语水平要求


生物力学是研究与生物的运动和结构有关的力学规律,是该计划的科学基础. 强调生物力学将为博彩平台推荐的学生进入医学院和研究生院做准备, as well as careers in sports medicine, physical therapy, 以及其他需要很强的生物力学基础的职业.

Imaging and Diagnostics

成像和诊断包含了广泛的方法来非侵入性地观察身体内部. Medical imaging is an integral part of modern healthcare, 涵盖越来越多的技术范围,从整个生物体到亚细胞长度尺度,以提供健康和疾病的结构和功能信息. Imaging devices can be found in hospitals, clinics, and research laboratories throughout the world, 需要越来越多的生物医学工程师来领导新技术的发展.


As the world shifts towards more effective, accessible and personalized healthcare, 生物医学工程师需要运用他们的传输现象知识, immunology, and biochemical engineering in unique ways. 治疗学涉及这些原则的整合,以制定强有力的解决方案,以应对抗生素耐药性的挑战, targeted cancer treatments, and tissue regeneration.

Medical Devices

医疗器械专业侧重于工程实践和创新, meeting the current and future industry demands for the state. An increasing number of technologies and applications, 再加上人口老龄化的需求和对个性化医疗的日益依赖, 建议对具有设备经验的生物医学工程师的需求不断增长.



Public graduate biomedical  
engineering program
US News & World Report 2023-24



CU Boulder BME



National Median Salary 
for Biomedical Engineers
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2021



Anschutz Medical School,
National labs (NIST) 
Colorado front range

Student Accomplishments