Published: Oct. 31, 2023


Dr. William S. Marshall, 他在威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校(University of Wisconsin-Madison)获得生物化学学士学位,并获得博士学位,证明了他的科学头脑.D. in Chemistry/Biochemistry at the University of Colorado Boulder, 迅速爬上生物技术和制药行业的公司阶梯,担任越来越高的职位(见他的完整轨迹时间表).

Bill Marshall Portrait

Current State of Affairs

Currently, Dr. 马歇尔是一名受欢迎的生物技术和制药行业顾问,曾在多个成功的行业职位上任职, most notably as CEO of a publicly traded company – miRagen – where he served as CEO, Co-Founder and Director for over a dozen years. He also serves on the Boards of several privately held biotechnology and technology companies. In addition, he co-owns Boulder-based Twisted Pine Brewing Company since 2003 – alongside a former Amgen colleague, Bob Baile, who purchased Twisted Pine in 1996. Interesting fact - Twisted Pine was founded in 1995 by legendary brewer Gordon Knight, who opened three breweries in Colorado. Tragically, 奈特作为一名消防员在一次直升机坠毁中丧生,贝尔将他现有的啤酒厂(Peak to Peak Brewing)与扭松(Twisted Pine)合并,后者成立仅一年.

Back in the CU Days

Dr. Marshall earned his Ph.D. in chemistry/biochemistry from the University of Colorado under Distinguished Professor Marvin Caruthers. He credits Dr. 卡鲁瑟斯教授领导了一个实验室,在这个实验室里,研究生可以自由地工作,并鼓励他们成为积极主动的人——成为能够找到自己独特的方式来探索新的科学方法和发现的思想家. Dr. Caruthers, while an entrepreneur in his own right, did not deviate from providing a rich academic atmosphere and it wasn’t until Dr. Marshall inquired about an industry path that Caruthers enthusiastically opened up about those opportunities. Dr. 马歇尔认为,导师的教学风格和实验室管理是培养批判性思考者的关键, by allowing a sink or swim environment with regular consultation; or really good laboratory technicians if an advisor micromanages most aspects of their work. 他敦促研究生在选择合作导师时,要考虑自己真正热爱的是什么,并寻找能够最大限度地促进智力发展和为独立思考做准备的品质.

Dr. Marshall, like many other Caruthers lab alumni, felt the social interactions fostered in Dr. Caruthers的实验室创造了一个环境,在这里你可以玩得开心,也可以做伟大的科学研究——让博彩平台推荐回想起像切赫实验室这样的实验室之间的重要合作, Uhlenbeck lab and of course, other Caruthers lab members. 除此之外,还有来自世界各地互补领域的各种国际公认专家. 他将Caruthers实验室的圣诞派对描述为白象式的礼物交换,这些礼物既是礼物赠送的机会,也是烘烤的机会, with very fond memories. And he noted the international connections afforded by the make-up of the lab members in the Caruthers lab, and through the collaborations between the various advisors in the department, allowed for the creation of long-term friendships and opportunities for collaboration after graduation.

Biotech Industry Comes Calling

Dr. 马歇尔一直很欣赏化学和生物学的结合,当他考虑学术生涯时. industry, 觉得生物技术/制药职业将使他能够对人类健康产生最大的影响——使他有能力专注于对人类产生重大影响的有益工作.

“我在这个过程中学到的一些原则是……1)在你的公司里进行伟大的科学研究,可以促进科学商业的蓬勃发展. 2)在你的所有研究中,对进行实验的人的样本进行盲化,可以得到更可靠的结果,并解决确认偏差. 3)雇佣一个有才能的团队是建立一个成功的公司的关键——如果一个公司是围绕一个人建立的,那么它将无法生存或发展. 由聪明人组成的高效团队总是比一个人做出更好的决定。4)实践情境领导和仆人式领导的结合,并为每一位员工提供正确的培训,可以建立更强大的文化和公司.”

A comprehensive timeline illustrates Dr. Marshall's quick ascendance into leadership roles in a number of biotech companies. 他在安进的经历使他参与了整个药物发现过程中各种各样的治疗开发方法,并导致了几个临床候选药物的开发. Within the Thermo Fisher Biosciences division, Dr. Marshall was responsible for leading technology assessment and strategic planning. 该部门的收入约为10亿美元,在一般化学和生命科学领域生产和提供广泛的产品和服务.

Dr. Marshall Career Timeline

What the Future Holds

Dr. Marshall will continue with his biotech/pharma consulting, focusing on serving as an advisor to cool and promising start-ups; providing expert consulting on intellectual property matters; serving as an interim executive team member at start-ups where his expertise is spot-on; and serving on various boards of directors where his experience fits. 如果有合适的机会,他当然不会排除担任另一个首席执行官的可能性,以推进一项强大的新技术.

Dr. Marshall also wants to support his daughters, both in college, in their careers and general life pursuits, 其中一个刚刚完成林业硕士论文答辩,另一个是生物化学专业的大四本科生. Both of whom decided to pursue their undergraduate academic careers at the University of Wisconsin – Madison.

Dr. Marshall's Advice for Ph.D. Candidates

不管你是选择追求学术生涯,还是最终被引诱进入生物技术或制药行业, 将你的技能与正在资助的项目和科学界的趋势结合起来,随时准备迎接未知. He references online publications like Biospace, Endpoints, and Fierce Biotech as great resources for all seeking new positions. On the industry side of things, Dr. 马歇尔提出,生物技术产业一直存在于一个基于融资机会和制药领域总体状况的信号浪潮中. 它经历了衰退(比如2000年和2007-2008年,以及目前全国生物技术领域的环境),随后不可避免地出现了连续的热潮. Hold on tight and be ready for what tomorrow brings. Don’t be afraid to ask yourself – “do I love what I am currently doing?” and if not, search for areas where you are good and know areas where you are not and make a change. 放眼全局,甚至考虑专利法等辅助机会, analyst work, investment banking, and even becoming a medical doctor or practitioner. Finally, in research you must always be ready for failure and be accepting of failure, as that is what makes you build your skillsets and depth. It also builds character that allows one to deal with the ever-changing landscape of life.

“你花在研究和几乎任何其他努力上的时间与最终的回报不一定相关, careful selection of the right path at the right time is absolutely necessary."

William S Marshall Biography