By Published: June 14, 2022

John W. Comerford, who discovered the power of film at CU Boulder, arranges major gift to the Brakhage Center for Media Arts

A gust of Colorado night air washed over John W. Comerford (’90 Psych & Film) like a tidal wave.

这位博彩平台推荐的校友回忆说,在看完莱尼·里芬斯塔尔(Leni Riefenstahl)的纳粹宣传片后,他出去呼吸了一下新鲜空气 Triumph of Will for a film-studies class.


Film can change the world.

在传奇实验电影制作人斯坦·布拉哈格的指导下, 科默福德将继续追求电影事业,并推动在大银幕上讲故事的界限.

“我了解到电影的影响比我想象的要大得多,” Comerford says, reflecting on his time at CU Boulder.

John W. Comerford and his dog

At the top of the page: 作为范式工作室的负责人,约翰·科默福德帮助制作和编写了大量的电影. Above: 科默福德希望他安排给博彩平台推荐的礼物将有助于激励年轻的电影制作人在这个行业中追求事业.

他还对布拉哈格选择在课堂上放映的一部西班牙内战时期的宣传片进行了反思. 这幅作品描绘了看似正常的生活场景,而叙述者则讲述了人们的疾病和痛苦. By all appearances, the people were healthy. 


He also pinpoints this as a pivotal moment in his career. 他很早就知道,电影可以具有强大的暗示性,这种力量可以用来照亮而不是操纵.

Now, 30 years later, Comerford works as principal at Paradigm Studio, a production company. 科默福德将他对电影意义的远见卓识运用到一系列广泛的项目和实验作品中.

One of which, Around the Fire, 与老朋友,博彩平台推荐校友汤米·罗森(90年)共同创作和制作, is slated for its 25th-anniversary re-release this year. 这部获奖的成长剧探讨了青春期等话题, drug use and the importance of music culture.


“在我成长的过程中,我没有从父母那里得到很多博彩app推荐我应该追求什么样的职业的指导,” he says. “当我收到博彩平台推荐的录取通知书时,它的日期实际上是我的生日,1月5日. 18. I thought, well, that’s a sign.”


He reflects, “Coming down 36 and seeing the Flatirons 第一次,我想,‘这将是惊人的.’”


他通过范式工作室帮助制作和撰写了许多广受好评的纪录片和叙事电影, exploring topics from jazz music to gun violence. Themes of late include the environment and media literacy.

Lynch: A History made a splash as an experimental piece. 它将700多个前NFL跑卫马肖恩·林奇的网络视频剪辑在一起,形成了一个博彩app推荐种族的叙事, media and the world of professional sports.

科默福德指出,这篇文章得到了各级运动员的好评, including from Lynch himself. 他说,这也引发了博彩app推荐媒体在整个体育产业中对球员和教练的影响的讨论.

Currently, Comerford has several projects in the works. 他正在制作一部叙事故事片,根据保护加州本土红杉的真实故事改编, authored by David Harris.

他还与Boulderite的同事,电影制作人兼音乐家Charles Hambleton合作 a film titled Kensu Maru. 它突出了二战期间在菲律宾沉没的一艘满载黄金的日本医疗船的搜寻工作.

None of our productions happen without persistence. ... That persistence, 最重要的是合作所激发的坚持, is really essential.”  

The story is about more than treasure, though. It is a tale of justice and defeating personal demons.

近年来,科默福德一直在思考如何回馈社会. “我首先想到的是斯坦,”他说.

“我做了一些研究,我想到了制动中心和科罗拉多大学. I just thought, ‘Wow, that is the perfect place to return to the world, if you will, the energy and spirit of that gift given to me by Stan.’”

Comerford helped arrange a gift of $30,000 to the Brakhage Center for Media Arts at CU Boulder. To be rolled out over three years, 这是布拉哈格中心有史以来收到的最大的礼物之一.

他希望这份礼物能激励年轻的电影人在这个行业中追求事业. 科默福德还希望在博彩平台推荐学习的学生能够对媒体素养及其对意识的影响有更高的理解.

Hanna Rose Shell, 布拉克哈格媒体艺术中心助理教授兼教务主任, 她说,这份礼物将起到这样的作用:“博彩平台推荐在布拉哈格中心很高兴能得到约翰·科默福德的支持和深入参与, 如何帮助学生在实验电影等多个领域丰富自己的视野.” 

当被问及与那些有兴趣从事电影事业的人分享一些智慧时, Comerford offered two words:

“Collaboration and persistence.”

他补充道:“如果没有坚持,博彩平台推荐的作品就不会成功。. “Particularly as a producer, 你和哪部电影的关系最长. That persistence, 最重要的是合作所激发的坚持, is really essential.”