
Participating in scientific research can be a highly valuable and rewarding part of your undergraduate education 在这里 at CU. 许多学生发展他们的兴趣, skills and contacts by working on one or more projects during their time at university.

Working in a research program can also be a significant help in ensuring success in your post-graduation plans. 研究 experience is highly recommended for those who are considering post-graduate academic programs, and can help you decide whether this is the right path for you. For any career path, a research advisor can provide letters of reference and valuable contacts. Being able to describe your research accomplishments can make your 的简历 a standout when applying for nearly any type of job after graduation.


学生通常开始获得有用的技能, solidify their understanding of foundational math and physics concepts, 在博彩平台推荐的专业学习至少一年后,培养他们的兴趣. Below is a list of things you should consider, and steps you can take to help you get started.

You should keep in mind that finding research work may be competitive, and that resources may be tight (time for supervising your work, 还有薪水). You will likely have to be patient and persistent to find a good match to your skill set and interests.

  1. 你的学习成绩好吗? If your GPA (either cumulative or in your math and science classes) is less than about 2.7-3.0, we STRONGLY suggest that you postpone an extracurricular activity like research until you can improve your grades. We offer free homework help rooms and other tutoring and mentoring support. Please talk to your academic advisor AND your APS mentor about resources you can access to boost your academic performance.

  2. 你有有用的研究技能吗? Many research jobs require computer 编程 and data analysis skills, and so we highly recommend taking ASTR 2600 (Computational Techniques) or an equivalent 编程 class before you start looking for a research project. ASTR 3800 (Data Analysis and Computing) can also build relevant skills, ASTR 3510/20(观测和仪器)也可以, 工程和写作课. Pre-professional work can also take the form of being a Learning Assistant or participating in the wide range of outreach, 在科罗拉多大学的教学和辅导机会. Beyond Boulder is a program to help you explore the many career paths you might make, 并帮助你确定你在大学里应该掌握的技能. 这个每周系列的时间表是 在这里,并通过电子邮件发送给所有专业的学生.

  3. 擦亮你的履历. A good 的简历 can serve as an introduction to a potential supervisor and you should have one handy when starting to look for a project. 确保你的技能(以上)被突出显示, as well as the relevant classes you’ve completed and your grades in them. 这是一个例子 的简历 供参考. 

  4. 了解别人. We strongly recommend attending the weekly Faculty 研究 talk series, 每年秋季学期举行(自2020年起不再开会). Faculty members in APS describe their research in an informal setting, 你可以看看这些话题是否让你兴奋, 问问题, and find out about the sorts of things undergraduate students might do. While you will probably have a faculty member oversee your work, you may work more closely with a non-faculty scientist on their specific projects.

  5. 跟进. You’ll almost never get someone to say “Yes, I have the perfect project for you!在你第一次被介绍时. 如果你真的对一个机会感兴趣, make sure your potential supervisor knows this and give them a copy of your 的简历. Ask if you can attend their research group meetings to learn more. 研究 projects have been created by students who have learned about a field during these meetings, 然后想到了一个值得探索的好问题, 或者能够提供所需的技能.

  6. 参与研究有多种形式. Some students will want to work towards completing an independent project for publication or for an Honors Thesis. 然而, t在这里 are many other opportunities: data assessment and analysis, 系统操作, 编程, 比如制作乐器. Learn about the methods used in different research programs and work towards developing the needed skills. 考虑做一段时间的学徒, 去了解那里的人和工作, 培养这些技能. Figure out how you can become essential- and then you will be essential!

  7. 获得学分. 完成1-3学分的独立学习 (ASTR 2840 or 4840) can be a great way to explore a research topic. You will need to make a written agreement with your supervisor about what work should be completed during the semester, 以及用什么标准来给你打分. 在一般情况下, each credit should be equivalent to about 2-3 hours of work per week and more than 1 credit per semester will require a very strong justification. 你的导师不一定是教员, but one has to sign your paperwork and agree to submit your grade at the end of the semester. Note that while ASTR 4840 is technically an upper-division class, you cannot use it for a required upper-division course for our major.

  8. 得到报酬. T在这里 are sometimes paid positions available to support funded research programs. Keep your eyes open and check your CU email for these opportunities. 其他职位不做广告, and arise when you and a potential supervisor work out a plan that supports research covered by a grant. You can also apply for CU Undergraduate 研究的机会 Program (UROP) funding for your research- both salary and research expenses. T在这里 are application deadlines several times a year for both academic-year and summer funds. 你可以找到更多的信息 在这里.

  9. 写论文. Students who are eligible can get Latin Honors upon graduation if they complete an Honors Thesis, 通常是在最后一年的学习期间. 可以找到更多信息 在这里.

Click 在这里 for research, internship, and scholarship opportunities.